MONOMAD: Nahrasiyah Family Dance at Bendung House |

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The name Bendung House was born purely from my idea of choosing a name for a wooden stilt house located in the Mount Salak area, exactly on the border between North Aceh Regency and Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh, Indonesia.

I took Bendung House from the name of its owner, Idris Bendung, who works as a journalist. This simple stilt house is often used as a camping place for journalists from Lhokseumawe. When I was a lecturer in the Nusantara Module Program for Independent Student Exchange Batch-2, I brought students from various campuses to dance practice at Bendung House.

We named the student group Nahrasiyah, after the queen of the Samudra Pasai Kingdom, an ancient kingdom in Aceh. The phrase Nahrasiyah Family makes us feel like part of our own family.

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Group 3 Nahrasiyah is under the guidance of me and mentor Khaira Lulvita from the Faculty of Law, Malikussaleh University. The members of Group 3 Nahrasiyah were 20 students from Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, namely Affan Anansyah Sudirman and Inatsa Thurfah Soedianda. Then Andika Fergiansyah from Kadiri University, Anissa Audina from the College of Islamic Law, Arindra Dewi from Jember University, Dara Nurhanifah from the Indonesian Institute of Education, and Mohammad Faisal from Garut University.

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And next are Destria Rafika Wulandari from Bachelorwiyata University Taman Siswa, Deva Novitasari from Muhammadiyah University Sidoarjo, Dhiya Aflah Luswanto Putri from Diponegoro University, Dina Sobil Ahmadani from Dr Hamka Muhammadiyah University, Fina Fitriyani from Makassar State University, and Maryam Uswah Karimah and Muhammad Syahdan Nurdiansyah from Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University.

At Bendung House we practiced the tarek pukat dance, a dance from Aceh which tells the story of fishermen's traditional fishing efforts. The students were taught by Raisa Agustiana, a very experienced Acehnese dance choreographer.

I show my training photos in the form of #monomad here. Thank you for the support of all parties.[]

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