Why is my place safe?


Peace and tranquility makes the place safe for living but what about the country, how will you consider it as a safe place for you and your future generation? This is the theme of contest held by indiaunited this week.if you want to take part here is link

I am a proud citizen of Pakistan not saying because I migrated here and now this place fantasizes me. The reason behind calling it my place is the milestone which my ancestors achieved for making it. The circumstances which motivated them to fight for their survival included safety of their religion and nationality. They couldn't remain under supervision of any minority. That's why Muhammad Ali Jinnah led them to step forward. Immensuble number of bloodshed occured In this fight for survival. But they have lost their bodies just to ensure a safe future for their upcoming generation. Why am I telling all this , just to recall the sacrifices they have made? As they have done to secure nationality and freedom for us.

  • Is Pakistan safe for you?

The purpose of establishing this country was to give freedom to everyone, not only to Muslims. Where does a person remain safe ? When they have freedom of everything, to speak, to live with dignity and to worship . All these factors contribute to making any place secure. What can I do now freely in my place ? I can do everything and it's not a mere statement, it's the reality. I have my rights to live, to get education,to start my own family,to vote, to dress, to travel, to marry someone of my choice,to worship,to choose any profession. What I am not allowed to do is to harm the dignity, life or rights of anyone no matter from which religion, nation,caste he/she belongs. So all these aspects make the existence of everyone residing in Pakistan safe.When I have my own rights and rights of others are secured so this means laws ensure the safety itself.

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  • Do I love to be here?

This question is tricky to answer to anyone because they might involve the facilities a country provides apart from having association with the motherland. Well why I prefer to love this place , not because of my ancestors and family , just because my future Is secure here. Political disputes do occur everywhere but this doesn't mean that you have to leave your own place and settle your future in any country as a second citizen. Still issues are there to be sorted and I guess they wouldn't settle magically . They need time and effort and additional attention. Honestly I am here because of one man and he is Imran Khan . No matter when the utmost favorable things would transpire I am not going to flee anywhere to work for that country. My future is here ,where I have learned and unlearned everything, took my first flight here and realized no one can cut my wings on judgment of gender, religion or nationality. So it's my place and it's my love and I can't even imagine leaving it in hard times because it's not what a brave man does.

  • Do I recommend it to others?

Yes for sure , all the peeps out there know very well about the beauty Pakistan beholds, the economics do tend toward affordability, the places to reside also include basic facilities like water, electricity, gas supply, internet,etc. All the companies and brands are working here to provide everything on your door. Pakistan's law and order situation is favorable. No judgment you will encounter on the basis of your skin color,your religion, cast,or anything else. You can do anything which you want but remember it must not cross the basic line of humanity. Yes we have cultural freedom and international media is here to give you a brief description about the cultural diversity Pakistan beholds.

  • If I get a chance to go , where will I go?

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No where, I have seen the circumstances happening in my neighborhood or internationally. So my opinion remains strict on leaving the country. No other place than Pakistan gives ke seurityvand freedom. And it's fact, I have seen nations fighting over places, just to take over the minorities or even they are not even hesitating to occupy the motherland of others . They are killing people and the international media is silent over why because they have divided the world on religion. What they have forget is the Humanity. These bare truths are reality how biased the countries and people are becoming. So why I would chose to go there ??? Would you be able to cope with this ???

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What a great post, both visually and for its written content!
Congrats on the contest win!
May I ask where you came from when you migrated to Pakistan?


Long story short my ancestors lived in hormony with Hindus until Britain invaded sub-continent. There started a war between them, situation became brutal as majority was badly treated. So our leader fought for us and officially took a state named Pakistan, migration occurred from India to Pakistan. This will help you to understand better. !LUV



Thank you for sharing Story of Pakistan.
Their English subtitles are well written.


Thanks for this very informative documentary on Pakistan's history!
