Lessons that I got from my Parents


I don’t think personality traits can be inherited. I think that it can be taught. As in I learned to be polite from my parents, when I saw them being kind to others I also learned to be kind. Moreover, ask questions to learn and listen, they taught me to be considerate of consequences, must work hard and play hard, save same than wasting, to have a good sense of humour, be helpful for others, one thing I can’t control is my temper I learned how to express less anger. To be honest I never saw my mother lose her temper. Well, everything that I have mentioned none of these were inherited I had to learn everything from my parents. I actually do not think that personality traits are inherited.

But now that I have become self aware and began to look at myself. I found that I have a terrible temper issue. Which might be something of my father’s that I inherited. I actually don’t want to be like anyone I just want to be myself only. Anyways, my dad knew how to draw and make beautiful designs he was not taught by someone he learned by his own and same goes for me I am really good at drawing. However, one good quality that I have learned from my parents is not wasting money, and taking responsibility for the things that I have committed. I also don't take things for granted and being grateful for what I have.


If you can teach your kids from the beginning then they will grow with that kind of personality. Like sometimes I see parents do not say to anything to their kids when they are making a scene in the public or bothering someone else. As a kid I have never done such thing no my parents did not hit me they made me learn the good manners and I have never bothered anyone or whenever I went to someone else’s house I would seat quietly with patience. When a aunty tried to offer me food at first I would say no no then I would agree when my mom gives consent to eat.

Even when I used to go outside with my parents when I would see someone eating in-front of me and if I liked the food I would never cry for it I would just whisper it into my mom or dads ear. Actually I would feel embarrassed if someone else can hear me talking about it. Even if it’s about toys I would never ask more than once to my parents. Because I never liked being stubborn. I never liked nagging about toys or foods because I knew if my parents can afford it they would give their best to provide me. I didn’t know how I became this mature to understand the situations and play by it.


I was always very obedient to my parents and also my teacher because my parents grew me like that even I became the favourite student of my teachers even though I was not a topper. Every teacher praised me because of my good and respectful behaviour. My parents told me to respect my teachers as I respect my parents and obey them. I felt really good being a favourite student also students from the lower class like I was kinda famous because of my politeness and calmness. But no one knew about my anger issue only my parents knew how much angry can I get.

Actually, for being the person that I am currently, I would thank my parents for making grow up like this. Today whatever I am is because of them. Everyone has bad and good qualities and I won’t say that I am 100% good and there is nothing to be proud of it. Actually, I am always trying to grow as a good person with a good personality. I try to make sure I am not hurting anyone.


About the Author
My name is Haya, I am from Bangladesh, currently I am a student and I started my journey as a content creator in 2019 , Mainly I am interested in gaming, I am a professional Esports player of PUBG MOBILE. I am known as the most famous female player from PUBG MOBILE Bangladesh gaming community. Mask is my identity I do not intend to reveal my face in future that’s why you will see me in mask in every pictures. I have taken interested in HIVE because it’s the best platform for a content creator like me. I also like travelling, photography, drawing, gardening, blogging and many more things I intend to attempt in my free times.

  • The Photos are taken from mobile app canva.
  • Photos edited with PicsArt Mobile app and Canva
  • All content are mine unless otherwise noted

All Rights reserved @ayamihaya



Parents are the best teacher, Am glad you learned a great deal from them


Yes, you have said something beautiful hehe.


I don’t think personality traits can be inherited.

But it's not right. Genetically we found traits from our parents. Angerness, kindness, the power of understanding mostly we get from our parents sometimes grandparents also.



Personality and emotion is not the same thing. Are you the same person as your dad or mom or grandparents? No right? There is something that makes you different from them it’s your personality. You learn argerness from seeing someone getting angry. My cousin till the age of 7 he didn’t know what was aggression he never complained but after growing and learning from what he sees he also, observed from his parents. Kindness does not come genetically I have relatives they are not kind at all but my cousins are good even though their parents only know how to envy so? Why they are not hating like their parents? Everyone is different because of their personality it has nothing to do with genetics.


Personality and emotion is not the same thing. Are you the same person as your dad or mom or grandparents?

Personality traits more specifically. And I never said you have the same personality of your father or mother. Your personality traits combination comes mostly from your parents and grandparents. I think I won't be able to make you understand my point. You may ask it to your friend having good knowledge about genetics. I am getting quite here.


I have never said that you said I have the same personality as someone else anyways, I was just giving examples to make you understand. I was not even talking about my self. Anyways, I have my own opinion and I was giving that, you can also keep your thoughts I am not telling you to agree with me.


I don’t think personality traits can be inherited.

I know that genetics is not the only factor that controls the personality traits of a human but you directly ignored the genetic matters. And that's why I said that thing. It's not a matter of opinions.

I am sharing a screenshot from chatgpt and I hope it will help you to understand.


Everyone can't be good in drawing even my drawing is very bad. You are lucky that you got this trait from your parents. Being Kind to others is not bad trait but it looked panicked when someone hurts our feelings.


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I wholeheartedly believe that our parents shape us more than we often realize. The lessons I learned from my folks weren't taught in a classroom, but through their actions and words. Their kindness towards others taught me empathy, and their hard work instilled in me the importance of diligence. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though. I inherited my dad's volatile temper, a trait I constantly wrestle with. But on the bright side, his artistic skills found a home in me too! One of the greatest lessons they taught me is to be grateful and responsible, values I hold dear to this day.


Like sometimes I see parents do not say to anything to their kids when they are making a scene in the public or bothering someone else. As a kid I have never done such thing no my parents did not hit me they made me learn the good manners and I have never bothered anyone or whenever I went to someone else’s house I would seat quietly with patience. When a aunty tried to offer me food at first I would say no no then I would agree when my mom gave consent to eat.

👆 I have never done this in my life not even my children have ever done this for me.

They refuse food from their grandparents unless I give my consent 🤣

Thank you for sharing your thoughts dear @ayamihaya
