Being kind is Necessary


Kindness is a great social virtue, it can be shown by helping someone. Well, you can say that a kind person is a pure asset of a country. Because he would not be asking for something in return for the help he provided to someone. The best people I know in my life are my mom and dad. They have to be the kindest person I know. They have been doing everything for me since the day I was born. They never asked for something in return. They have been doing this only for the sake of my well-being. That is why I also help them when they need and I try to do my best always.

I am working hard everyday to fulfil my dreams which is to buy a big house for my family. I know that I can not pay them back for what they did for me in their entire life. But I do as much as possible for me and I will be doing that in future too. There are also others like my brother Nethan and my best friend Julie.
Even though my parents have been showing me kindness I was not like them at all. I was a bit meany and I could not understand the pain of people in need until that time came into my life. When I was about 16 years old I had a mental breakdown. I could not understand what to do. I was facing such a bad time, that I could not even talk to my mom and dad about it. Because I was not brave enough to share my thoughts with them.

So I decided to talk about this with my brother but he couldn't help me much in something like that. I was always upset. Then one day a girl ( The girl was Julie, now she is my best friend )in my school asked me about what happened to me and why I am always sad and she would try to help if possible. I asked her why she is concerned about me and added that she does not even know me personally. She replied that she wants to make friends and it is not necessary to know someone to help them in their hard time.

I could not understand what she was trying to say or trying to get at that point. But then I decided to talk about my problems with her. She heard everything I said and told me that she would definitely help me and she would love to help me. I was thinking that would actually help me or she is just bluffing around. But the next day she came to me and cheered me up and after school she asked go with her. I was not sure where was she going. Then she took me to her house. Her family members were very happy to see me. They made me feel like that I am in my home.

Then Julie took me to her room and told me to have a seat. Then she went downstairs and I was waiting for her to comeback and after some time she came back with some delicious desserts which was cooked by her mother. I never had such delicious desserts before. After eating she talked about my problems and gave me some ideas on how to get rid of that problem. I could not believe that some one could actually give me some ideas and help me out in something like that this. So, I was very thankful to her and asked her if I could help her by doing anything. But she said I did not do this for something in return and helping others makes her happy and that is what she only wants in return. She is a very kind person. That day I realized that helping others is something that we should all be doing. Everyone deserves help from others.

She inspired me and showed me the correct path. That is why after that day I always try to people in need. I try to understand what they are going through and try to understand their pain. Julie motivated me and helped me in the big steps I took in my life. Just like in the previous month (Ramadan month) when I was thinking of doing something for the poor people who can't buy new clothes and shoes for Eid.

She gave me the idea of opening a foundation where people would donate and together we will buy them what they need. We helped more than thousands of people. I can't explain how good it felt to see a smile on their face. Everyone was so happy and their smiles motivated me to do more for them. I will keep doing good work as long as I am alive. I also motivate the young generation to help others.

A little bit of help can change someone's life, so we should keep on helping each other.


Let me know how did you feel after hearing my story.

About the Author
My name is Haya, I am from Bangladesh, currently I am a student and I started my journey as a content creator in 2019 , Mainly I am interested in gaming, I am a professional Esports player of PUBG MOBILE. I am known as the most famous female player from PUBG MOBILE Bangladesh gaming community. Mask is my identity I do not intend to reveal my face in future that’s why you will see me in mask in every pictures. I have taken interested in HIVE because it’s the best platform for a content creator like me. I also like travelling, photography, drawing, gardening, blogging and many more things I intend to attempt in my free times.

  • The Photos were taken from the mobile app Canva
  • Photos edited with PicsArt Mobile app and Canva
  • All content are mine unless otherwise noted

All Rights reserved @ayamihaya

