Splinterlands Challenge — Lord Thanalor VS Commander Slade

Cover made using images and elements from Splinterlands.

Hello everyone, this time I will be participating in this Splinterlands Challenge, where I will show you a battle in the modern ranked league, one of which, only armored units can be summoned.

First, let's talk a little bit about Lord Thanalor, an earth rebellion unit that has a high magic attack power of 4, and who will be the protagonist of this battle.


Lord Thanalor costs 12 mana, but is worth it. In addition to his attack power, he has decent speed and great health. He also has 3 abilities.

He starts with the AMPLIFY ability at level 1, which increases the damage of the Retaliate, Corrosive Ward, Magic Reflect, Return Fire and Thorns abilities by 1. This effect only works on your units and does not stack.

At level 2, he gains the SCAVENGER ability, which allows him to gain +1 max health each time any unit is defeated.

And at level 3, Thanalor gains the RUST ability, which reduces the armor of the enemies by 2 while he is alive.

I like to use Lord Thanalor in high mana battles, and mainly in magic battles. Most of the time he performs very well, excellent against units that have no defense against magic, which are defeated fairly quickly.


Since Lord Thanalor is a magic unit, units with the MAGIC REFLECT ability, will deal damage to him each time he successfully attacks them for half the damage dealt.

Units with the GIANT KILLER ability, will deal double damage to Lord Thanalor, as he is a +10 mana unit.


Available on the market. At the time of writing this post, a max level Lord Thanalor costs $35 (each BCX $3.18), and a level 1 costs $3.93.

And currently, there is no max level golden foil available, only Thanalor at level 2 , the lowest of which costs $56.


There are three modifiers active this time. The first is the What Doesn't Kill You modifer, which grants all units the Enrage ability, giving them 50% more melee power and speed when they are not at full health. Then the Maneuvers modifier, which grants the Reach ability to all units, but only affects melee units, allowing them to attack from the second position. Finally, there is the Heavy Metal modifier, which will only allow armored units to be summoned.


This time, as many battles, I decided to choose Eternal Tofu as my summoner, great against melee units, as it wil grant the thorns ability to my units, so they will deal 2 physical damage to the melee units that attack them. Additonally, Tofu will give my units +2 health and the Snare ability, which removes the flying ability that my units attack. In addition, I chose the left-tactic to grant the Corrosive Ward and Divine Shield ability to my two Grimbarduns and my last position unit, they will now reduce the armor of the melee enemies that attack them, and ignore the first damage from any source except poison.


In the first position, I put Grimbardun Fighter, who has the shield ability, which allows him to take 50% less damage from melee attacks, and has the corrosive ward ability on his own. Also, he does not take damage from sources such as thorns and the blast abilities thanks to his Deflect ability.

In the second position is my other Grimbardun, Smith, who not only has a shield, but also the void ability, so he takes 50% less damage from all types of attacks. Additionally, he has the immune ability, and the repair ability that allows him to restore 2 armor points to an allied unit each turn.

The Uraeus cobra in the third position, who while in the backline position will attack the enemy unit that is in the last position. And their attacks have a 50% chance to apply Poison to the enemy unit, causing it to lose 2 health points at the start of the turn.

Lord Thanalor in the fourth position reducing the enemies' armor by 2, and the only magic unit on my team, ready to deal a lot of damage to the enemy units.

Finally, Satha Toledo in the fifth position, who will heal my frontline unit for a third max of its max health each turn. And she will give Thanalor the Lookout ability, so he will take 1 less damage from sneak, snipe and opportunity attacks.

In the first round, only the enemy Uraeus and my Grimbardun Fighter were damaged, but neither was defeated.

In the second round, the enemy Uraeus is defeated due to the thorns ability, but not before applying poison to Satha Toledo. Then, Commander Slade destroys my Fighter. After that, Lord Thanalor defeats Diemonshark.


In the third round, some units were damage, but none were defeated.

In the fourth round, Commander Slade defeats my Grimbardun Smith.


In the fifth round, Satha Toledo is defeated by the poison effect. And Commander Slade defeats my Uraeus with his armor attack. Then, Thanalor defeats Slade.


In the sixth to the eighth round, Lord Thanalor defeats the enemies River Hellondale and Swamp Spitter, ending the battle.

Full Battle

In this battle, the opponent played Eliax as their summoner, granting +1 melee attack power and armor to their units. Also, he granted the Armored Strike and Piercing abilities to Commander Slade, so he could have an extra attack with his armor and overcome armor.

Commander Slade was able to defeat 3 of my units, but thanks to my Lord Thanalor he was defeated in the fifth round.

After Slade was destroyed, Lord Thanalor manages to destroy the remaining two units alone, because Satha Toledo was defeated by the poison applied in the second round. Thanalor showed his strength by defeating 4 units throughout the battle, winning the battle and being the only survivor this time.

That's all for now guys, if you haven't played Splinterlands yet, you can join with my referral link. See you on the battlefield!

