How Much Time Is Enough To Chase Your Dreams?


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If I had a dollar for every time I complained about not having enough time to do everything I set out to do, I would probably consider early retirement. Twenty-Four hours is no longer enough to meet goals and tick everything on our To-do list off. A few years ago, I read about Pareto’s law founded on the ration that humans only expend twenty percent of their time to perform about eighty percent of our activities. The other eighty percent would be spent on trivial tasks or personal pleasure.

This statistic made sense to me when I thought about it. I was guilty of this narrative and would spend a great deal of my time doing nothing or as we like to say - busy doing nothing. I would only take a few hours to perform my tasks and assigned duties.

However, the story has evolved and things have become way different. I simply do not have enough time to do all the things I am supposed to do. Almost everyone feels the same way. I remember one time a friend of mine suggested I engage in some activities to deal with boredom. I told them I never get bored, if anything I need more time. Boredom is a concept I hardly relate to because there is always something I could do with my time.


Measuring The Value of Time

Time is just like a body of flowing water, after it passes, there are no do-overs. Hence, all the think pieces and materials on effective time management. The concept of time is somewhat subjective and largely relative to me. Time can either be too short, long, or even non-existent to some. Our lives are powered by the same amount of time, but its utilization is unique to every individual.

They say time is money because it is just as valuable as our tokens for survival. Our relationship with time is an indication of who we are. The things we spend time on show who we are, and reveal our principles and the things that matter to us. Simple things like showing up to appointments or events on time or finishing tasks before deadlines are a little habit that inculcates good time value in a person.

Procrastination they say is a thief of time. I would know because I am sometimes guilty of it. It is the act of putting off tasks or activities for the future. This is hardly for lack of time, but an unwillingness to do them, because we believe we can always get to them later. It doesn’t make sense to put off things we can handle almost immediately, but such is the case for the majority of people. Unfortunately, procrastinators would pay the price because the time that could have been right for executing these tasks has passed.


Time Optimization

Time optimization is the process or tactics used by a person to manage and organize their time to be more productive and efficient. Good time management is essential for reaching our set goals. Twenty-four hours may no longer be enough to reach our daily goals, but there are enough hours to drive maximum productivity.

This would require some tools and strategies to streamline workflow, manage distractions, and stay productive.
Some of these strategies are:

  • Planning: Planning our activities by taking note of the tasks that require execution is paramount to time optimization.
  • Sufficient mindset: Our mentality is an important aspect of our lives. By believing that I have the time I need to get things done, I am programming my mind to get on board.
  • Positive energy: Anything worth doing is worth doing well and one way to give our best is by having the right attitude towards our job or functions.
  • Fair amount of discipline: Welp! This is where many like me struggle and fail. Discipline is essential to time management and we should absorb done it for our advancement.
  • Prioritizing: This is a process of deciding what tasks should come first based on urgency or importance.



There may never be enough time to chase all our dreams, but we can work smarter to manage the hours assigned to us to reach our full potential. In the end, all we can do is our best. The goal is to create a self-serving structure by employing tools to optimize our time. This would enhance productivity and improve the quality of our work life.
We have to regularly evaluate our management strategies and make improvements where necessary. Doing this helps one to hold themselves accountable and make room for growth and balance.

Thank you for stopping by. ❤️


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