What are my goals as Asynckronism on Hive?

My goal as a participant/creator in the 'Gaming' aspect of Web3 and the communities related to Video Games is to share my deep thoughts and stories concerning a game. I don't want to fill my account with gameplay videos and reviews, (Though I started to when I started in Hive!), I realized that this platform held more potential for me than the average platform. I could actually participate as a creator without having to hit all the SEO/Algorithmic marks to be noticed or seen by a wider audience.

I could express myself as a gamer with actual GOALS towards something other than the regular viewings that inhabit the Internet. I quickly shifted my publishings to be about specific aspects of Gaming, why I play the way that I do, situations and why they happen (In Gaming), and other miscellaneous topics(In Gaming). I create crappy MSpaint "art" because it definitely fits my tone and allows me creative freedom in what I attempt to convey in the message. I check out other gaming platforms but get so drained of seeing peoples postings of 'Review, gameplay, guide to, cutscene,' ETC. If I played the game then I would experience all those things! To me there is no real reason to watch multiples of the same videos of a game from different creators going through the same experience beyond their reactions. I don't want to clog the feed with more of the same drivel, especially when a key factor of Blockchain is its immutable feature. Whatever I create potentially will stay on the Blockchain forever!

So, with the thought of somebody stumbling across my account and seeing what I've created, creating quality content for a 'legacy' of who/what I am/was is probably more important than following the same rhetoric. My goal is to gather all of my creations and build a version to share with others.

Being able to share deep thoughts about the concept of gaming, situations that might occur to the Gamer, and other topics, I feel, is critical to the medium and the player base who participates in the space! If anybody has viewed my catalogue of published works on Hive they can see how my articles/posts have progressed and grown to what I think would be interesting. Even if there isn't much feedback the creation is still there for me to use for whatever I wish afterwards.

I want there to be a purpose behind my creations beyond 'views' and 'upvotes'. I need there to be a purpose beyond what everybody else works towards on Web2 platforms because otherwise it's just another endless grind that ultimately will end with me burnt out and choosing not to play anymore.

So in 2024 I will try to make my posts be centered around:

  • My Gaming Photography
    Yes, there is another community that was created and I wish them well! But I created a community that is mine and I plan on utilizing the posts I make inside it.
  • Depth of Thought in Gaming
    Exploring the concept of Gaming and my thoughts on it might be interesting! Either way it will generally be my original thoughts behind the post and might be cool to delve deeper on the subject.
  • Game Situations That Occur
    It usually only happens to me but I always find myself in unique situations in games that are not the norm. Either my (bad) decisions allow these situations to happen or I have somehow managed to break the standard protocol in a match thus causing the situation. Either way I'll be sharing it here!
  • My goals in Gaming Worlds
    Beyond the normal grind, there has to be something to strive for that entices me to continue playing otherwise, what's the point? Again, I need something that goes beyond just playing the game.

The Blockchain and Web3 offers many opportunities to its participants and to squander that opportunity would be a disservice to the many who fought for the Hive Blockchain to exist. Having an actionable long term goal should be the purpose of everyone utilizing Blockchain and Web3.

I need to create a cover image in Paint for this and will edit this post later but I just needed to get it out of my head before the day was over.

Thank you for reading!
