Virtual Fishing Journal: Project Zomboid Beginning Entries


An actual photo of my 'Virtual Fishing Journal' book with an obvious block and text from Paint. All by me!

Game: Project Zomboid

Zone: Riverside

Cycle: Varied

Water Type: Fresh

Entry - 1

After finding a Fishing Rod at the bait shop I thought for sure my plan to fish to survive this infection epidemic was complete! Though after my 7th cast out into the water, my line broke! I needed to restring it and find a new hook as well.


Obvious hoarding of the toilet paper.

I had fishing line but I wanted to save that for more 'drastic' times, if I make it that far, and twine was easy to find anyway. Finding the materials to craft a new hook were a bit harder to find. I holed up in a relatively safe house as a rain front appeared and drenched the area for the next 3 days.


Hiding in the bathroom


Peeking out on the second day of the rainfront

The one time I looked out the curtained window I saw a group of the infected lumbering past the house in the rain. Once the downpour turned into a lighter drizzle, I ventured out!


I also ran out of the supplies in this house so I had to move anyway

For another 3 days I checked multiple homes, stores, and other locations. I had to lure 1-2 of the infected from any large groups I passed and slowly thin them out. By day 4 of my search I was about done. The last building to check near me was the local police office. After clearing out the infected I immediately rummaged through the desks. It was the last desk which held my prize... A single Paper clip! Finally I could repair my fishing rod and return to my goal.


I took this photo in my excitement but I did use the twine instead of the fishing line.

Entry - 2

Repairing the fishing rod was a breeze! Now I needed to find bait. The house I am currently inhabiting is next to a forested area, so I took to locating live bait. I guess the infection hit the ecosystem as well. I had a bit of trouble finding any insects. One of the infected was hiding in some bushes and almost got the drop on me! I dropped it first though. I finally found some insects afterwards! Among the normal variety, I found a pile of Termites! I returned to my current safe house before dawn, cooked some frozen food from the refrigerator, washed myself, my gear, and went to sleep. Fishing soon!


Found one!

Entry - 3

Rainy day outside. Luckily my clothes and hat are water resistant. I foraged for more insects to use for bait in the morning before heading out to the river. The trip took longer than I thought due to several roaming groups of infected blocking the paths I had previously cleared to the river. My detours led me to a few infected, but in more manageable numbers. I broke my steel pipe braining the last one in my way and had to switch to a baseball bat to make it the rest of the way. I cut through a forested area before finally reaching the river! The area was clear so I pulled out my Fishing Rod and started fishing!


All my hard earned bait!

I fished for an hour(ingame) before quitting. It was still raining, it was past midday, my character was tired, hungry, and I still had to make the trek back. I packaged the fish I caught and began my journey back to the 'safe' house.


I can store these fish in the fridge to make them last.

End Entries -

--My Thoughts--

It was pretty cool creating these Fishing Journal entries by playing the game and taking photos first, writing down what events happened during the session, and now recreating it here on My Blog. Project Zomboid does require dedication and a constant thought of 'surviving'. I have to make sure my character is ready to take on any task, challenge, or trek. Even if I, as the player, feel alright and ready to roll.

Like I've said in the introduction post, I am using mods in Project Zomboid, but that is to add more detail to the fishing skill as a whole and allow me to even attempt reaching my goal of surviving 100 days via fishing.

This is a personal project but I wanted to share it with anybody interested.

Thank you for reading!

Happy Gaming!
