Turbo game modes: Quicker action, dilution of skill

turbo mode gameplay title image.png

Image I made in paint sort of showing the divided aspects that define turbo mode versus regular game modes

I am finding myself brought into groups that match into game modes that are the game but faster. Turbo mode, arena bounty hunt, whatever. Just a quicker version of the game that would normally take an average of 30-45 minutes brought down to 15-25 minutes. The movement speed is faster, engagements are quicker, Things are happening so much faster that it sets a new pace.

That isn't exactly a good thing though. Whenever a regular game mode is matched though the reality sets in, participating in those turbo modes, those smaller arena style matches have ruined how to play the game regularly. Suddenly all those quicker actions are gone and the group has to reorientate themselves back to normal speed. The order of events are no longer fast tracked and now take time to get into those moments.

What I am saying is that faster game modes ruin a player for the base game. That instant option seems like a good deal, faster games, quicker action, no time wasted getting in a position of power, but in actuality it just demolishes the players ability to play. Whenever we queue for a regular paced game mode now my group is rushing through everything and not taking the time to build up as per the normal order of events. The moment the game starts the players are running off into an engagement without proper preparation.


Straight to the meat with minimal prep time


Or in Hunt:Showdowns case: Straight to a firefight

It goes as one would expect and now the group is behind or even kicked back to the lobby screen. We requeue and the same thing happens. It's like we were playing the game for the first time and nobody knows what to expect. It's a huge kick in the gut to me because I love the build up. I enjoy building up and finding good positions that allow us to jump on unsuspecting foes and reap the benefits or to have an opportunity to after a particularly close defeat and there is still time on the clock to turn it all around and to eke out a victory by the skin of our teeth.

That just doesn't happen in 'turbo' modes. In a turbo mode it is usually instant victory or instant defeat. There is hardly time to grow with the game as it progresses, get in position, and learn how to outplay the enemy. It just happens and onto the next one.

Many people say "It's not the destination, but the journey that is important" and I think that often hits true in gaming.

I don't hate 'turbo' game modes, they can be quite fun and allow almost any player with a limited time an opportunity to play a match. I do loath what they do to a players ability to play the game regularly though. It's incredibly rough seeing a group of extremely talented/skilled players sort of regress to their base gaming instincts and have to rebuild that skill/talent back up after a few rounds of turbo mode.

This is almost becoming like an anti-turbo mode PSA one would see on TV. I need a catchy motto. 'Mess with turbo, end up in a burrow.'

I'd like to read other players thoughts on faster game modes compared to regular game modes and if/how it affected their gameplay.

Thank you for reading.

Happy Gaming!
