The Gaming Fisherman: Warframe
I am ASynckronism and this is The Gaming Fisherman.
Taking a break from Aeternum, I will be visiting the waters of the stars in Warframe! I've briefly played Warframe when it first launched but beyond that I have no real idea what the hell I am doing. I know there is fishing though and my prior attempts to play have given me the opportunity to truly try out these waters and see what is swimming around in them.
I am on Venus to fish their coolant ponds teeming with... Mechanical Fish(Servofish). I am intrigued and would like to see how varied these mechanical swimmers can be. I not quite reputable enough with the Fortuna population so I take some basic bait to get me started.
Electrospears are recommended when trying to capture Servofish as it doesn't actually 'stab' the fish and instead connects to the servofish and shocks it, allowing the angler to reel it in.
I am unsure about the areas to fish so I ask my 'Local Guide' and he advises me: "The Temple of Profit is a prime fishin’ location fer mechanical creatures." He also tells me about how weather cycles affect what might show up but I'm not looking for specific fish just quite yet.
The top left corner coolant pond is my destination
I stay to the theme and traverse the snowy mountains littered with towering mushrooms and avoid dropships and enemy patrols.
Thankfully temperatures don't affect the Tenno
Temple statues and enemy patrolling the landmark
Once I find a relatively safe spot nestled under a mountain by the waters edge I throw my bait out and prepare my Electro Spear. I am not used to spear fishing and it takes me a few tries to get the timing and distance correct before I score my first hit.
Keeping an eye on the bait and the enemy in the distance
Servofish start appearing!
A quick time event appears and I click at just the right time to successfully shock and reel in my catch.
After some throws I observe my small collection and the variety of the same fish is interesting! Some are just a body with fins while more impressive ones feature more accessories on its body.
I continue to throw bait and my spear out, frequently missing at first before hitting becomes more common. I need to be aware of nearby enemies though as I am actually undergeared in some regard and embarrassingly haven't actually played the game for the game.
Though undergeared, the Loki Warframe gives me an advantage of placing a decoy and stealthing away when I attract aggro
I continue to catch the same Servofish and am down to my last bait when I see it: Something new has approached my bait.
What-ho, a foe!?
I fumble my first throw and that sends this new addition fluttering away! I quickly reel back my spear and attempt another throw.
I snag it and successfully shock it before reeling it in. It's something to behold. I manage to snag some more fish, including another Thromyzon before I am out of bait and the enemies begin aggroing more frequently. I take some shots as I make my escape back to Fortuna.
I manage to make the run back without any incident, though I did come across a dropship and took fire from a patrol or two. Upon entering Fortuna my list of acquired items appear before me.
You can see the additional accessories quite clearly. These Servofish look like spaceships
Quite an impressive haul considering I had no idea what to expect. I provide some Servofish to The Business to increase my reputation and keep a few for myself. I've been informed that there is a personal 'fish tank' on my Orbiter but I will have to unlock that later.
You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough reputation.
All in all, a good fishing run with a realization that these open areas are incredibly dangerous and to be as 'undergeared' as I am is just asking for trouble on future trips. I'll see what I can do to be better prepared next time.
Next time I will try to go for a target fish and see what else the coolant lakes hold.