Retirement IN A Game

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Division 2 character creation used to show the 'passage of time'. Borders made in Paint!

Choosing a game to "retire on" is a concept I've never thought of before. Recently though, I've been noticing veteran players sticking to playing only one game. Usually it's an open world multiplayer game still being supported by the development team with minor updates and seasonal events with unique items.

I suppose with many game companies developing games for the long haul as opposed to the 'sequel' plunge. The players are just happy to finally find a game to call 'Home'. Playing these multiplayer games with players that are max level + 2000 is just wild to me! Usually once I hit max level I try to get to a 'prestige' rank of around 100-200 before taking a break from the game.


Sneakily taking photos of players levels at various hideouts #Notcreepin


My matchmaking group was heavily carried by the level 6000+. I was just floored when he told me he was having fun with a new build!

These 'retirees' are practically at the top of the game too! Not by following guides or the current meta, but by the investment and dedication to the actual game. It's simply incredible seeing how they play! There is no mistake in their actions, every control is precise and has an intended result. Every foe, no matter the difficulty or playstyle (PVE/PVP), is turned into mincemeat.

I was doing some research on some games and came across this Video by the youtuber, 'MrSaviorHD' (No Affiliation) who also asked long time players why they return to the game. I also found this Video of the seasoned player, 'Valiance_Streaming' (No Affiliation), who has committed themselves to Wurm online and regales his stream with previous adventures and situations that have occurred during his gaming travels. It's just incredible how caring these long term players are to others in their games and their community.

I am truly happy for these types of gamers who have found a 'Virtual Home' to settle in. I don't know if I'll ever find a game to retire in as my nature is too sporadic and my interest ebbs and flows. Maybe though, in my constant revisits of games, maybe I'll find one to settle down in.

I would like to hear the readers thoughts or comments about finding a game to 'retire' in where they can just be at peace while they play and enjoy it everyday.

Thank you for reading!

Happy Gaming.
