Restructuring My Mind when it comes to buying Games

Text title made in Paint by me!

My introduction to Blockchain Gaming has slowly changed how I view spending my resources(Money, Time, Effort, and other similar assets) as I now have an understanding of digital assets. I don't want to spend my time working towards something(Limited time Skins, Titles,) or creating an item/plot that will just be replaced within a few patches and lost. There is no value for it and any clout surrounding the object just moves onto the next thing.

It's upset my backlog of gaming as I am now struggling to turn on a regular game. The purpose of playing the game to 'advance' seems pointless now when it can all be reset(And this has happened to me with multiple games already) and my most valuable resource(Time) is wasted.

I'm the type of individual that tries to only carry items with a utility(Purpose) and the concept of Ownership of Digital Assets has thrown a wrench in my gaming wheel. I am unhappy when I am playing for only myself but feel fine when playing with others as at least we are creating memories and moments.


My Brain and I whenever I turn on a regular game to just play
Runescape meme photo

When I am playing a regular game solo my brain is constantly assaulting me with 'We should be doing something to acquire more owned assets'. It's quite annoying. These thoughts do spur me into creating an in-depth creative post regarding thoughts I've had about a gaming subject as a result though! (Example, Example 2, Example 3,)

it didn't help when I started playing Splinterlands and I stumbled upon a Yodin Zaku as a reward that I later sold to pay a bill. The burrowing idea of "Ownership' of digital assets that now disrupts my regular gameplay is mainly due to this huge revelation. I wouldn't have been able to use the 'money' earned if it was an asset from a regular game/marketplace.

I am slowly understanding that my mindset regarding regular games on the marketplace might need to be switched to buying games on a Blockchain. I've thought about it and the cost for an average game is $40-$80 while getting involved with a TCG is $50-100. Blockchain games are around the same price but their actual utility can potentially go further and the community/technology involved with the projects are often very purpose driven beyond 'Release the next expansion/update'.


What every company expects when they release a new expansion
Also how Blockchain Games are hyped
Killing Floor Meme

I'm not interested in the 'Wen Moon?' thought process when looking at Blockchain games, I think its a bad motivator and leaves a stigma when touted as the main reason to participate, I want to care about the project and the assets utility.

Anyway back to the main topic:

Now that I have compared the initial 'price' of buying enough assets to get into a Blockchain game with a good position to the price of purchasing a regular game, They are just about the same. I'm going to spend the money anyway, Why not use the funds to get more utility with my purchase? The funds will go towards the project/blockchains economy instead of some CEOs pocket, whatever I purchase is 'Mine'(in accordance to the White Paper of the project), and it supports a technology that I am intrigued by and can prove it's integrity through continued use.

The games are still incredibly early and I am glad that regular games are around to readily play, but like I said previously, I am finding myself less and less inclined to turn them on to play... Besides for my Personal Interests in gaming.


I created this post because I've been struggling to get back into creating on every platform and my gaming has suffered as a side effect. I realize I need a new computer in order to create better Gaming Photography, To pursue my creativity goals, and generally to have more options available to me. My current computer (Gaming Laptop) was already outdated when I bought it in 2016 (Nvidia GTX960M still holding strong!) but saving up means I haven't been able to continue my ventures in Blockchain gaming which has left me in a rut just waiting until I reach my goal. Almost there though!

Now that this post is created though and I am starting to ramp up again creatively, I feel more free to just turn on a game and play without my brain causing interruptions because I have thrown my thoughts into this post.


Me to my thoughts now.
*Killing Floor Meme
