Remembering my account purpose and staying in my Lane
Sticking to my lane. Made by me(Blue car) in Paint
One of the pitfalls I find myself falling into is losing sight of the accounts purpose. Here I am Asynckronism, I joined Hive with the purpose of exploring the Gaming communities, both 'Play2Earn' and regular games. I'll venture around other communities to curate and am astounded at the types of responses other participants receive for their posts.
I'll post my thoughts in a community I don't typically frequent and receive crickets in response. Was it something I did wrong or maybe my message didn't reach the readers? No. It's because I am a total stranger in that community and I haven't even introduced myself! I totally lost sight of my original goal on Hive and fallen into a self made trap. I set myself up as a participant interested in Gaming on Hive and to post onto a community completely unrelated to that topic probably made me an eyesore amongst the community.
The image I created for myself was for a purpose and deviating to other communities unrelated will return minimal interest.
I'm still going to venture around various communities to curate(upvote, comment, tip,) but I will try to only create 'posts' for the topics my account purpose surrounds.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!