My Method for Conference Attentiveness
I am a person that needs to be stimulated mentally while at a conference or else I am yawning away like crazy. It's difficult to stay focused when I am constantly interrupting myself by yawning and it might appear like I don't care about the person currently speaking, their presentation, and the subject. but I have found that I am able to retain information and stay focused if I give my brain a game to play. After figuring out this 'brain hack', I always try and listen to speakers, conferences, and other educational pieces while playing low input or easily paused Games, such as gathering in the MMOs I frequent or single player games, so I can pause it to take notes or listen to a particularly interesting snippet from the presentation.
It sounds counter-productive but whenever I replay that specific game or venture around the area I was in while listening to the presentation I can recall the presentation and what it was discussing. I think I imprint an area with the information that was being absorbed and whenever I am there again it just reminds me of what I was doing last time. With HiveFest 2023 happening in a few days I plan on tuning into the live stream to hear what the future holds for Hive. Of course that means I am also wondering what type of games I could play that allow me to easily swap windows around or pause to write down notes of interest from the presenters.
Top down perspective game with minimal graphics.
'Reeling' in a fish!
I like fishing and Intergalactic Fishing is pretty lowkey with the requirements being to cast out a line and wait for a fish to bite.
2D scroller with many 'in-depth' features
Basic living when starting out!
I think the monotony of gathering blocks and building a suitable house will allow me to easily pay attention to HiveFest without much interference.
Solitaire is solitaire
Well, looks like I have my first few moves!
The simple pleasures of Solitaire will prove somewhat stimulating and give my brain a focusing point while I listen.
3D Action 'open world' RPG
While the name is silly, Seething Bazelgeuse is a monster worth fighting
While there was no Monster Hunter 6 announcement at the Capcom 2023 TGS presentation, I am still an avid hunter. Although this game requires more input than the previously mentioned games, getting into a rhythm of combat helps me ponder what I've heard and my next steps.
It makes almost no sense but that is how my brain works and if I want to learn anything from watching this event I have to keep myself active. What are your plans for watching or participating in HiveFest 2023? If you would like to share your methods/techniques for staying active during a conference please leave a comment! I would enjoy seeing how other attendees do it.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed and here's to a great HiveFest 2023!