Gaming In the WInter
Picture represents a cold front hitting a house that is covered in light ice/frost, a spigot dripping on the side. Icicles on the corner of the house. Made and retouched by me in MSPaint!
Happy New Year!
Back in 2022 I did a post about 'Gaming In The Heat'. It had some advice and tips on how to survive the summer heat indoors and this time I would like to try again with my advice/tips for Gaming in the Winter!
My location has been hit with several cold fronts that put me on reserved electricity. So while I was in the cold dark huddling for warmth, I came up with the idea for this post!
Gaming In The Winter is seen by many to be a lot easier on hardware but there are some precautions players might want to do to protect themselves and their gear.
- 1: Proper Distribution of Energy
Electrical requirements are important to assess but especially when heaters are involved. They suck up a lot of juice and can easily cause a fuse to flip. The sudden stop of electricity may cause issues with hardware and it is always better to distribute the load as evenly as possible to prevent these fuses from flipping.
- 2: Being Aware of the Computer/Consoles temperature
The cooler weather can entice many to increase the graphic quality or keep the device running for extended periods without break because the device won't get as hot. Even though the room may be cold, the air inside the confined space of the device can still reach dangerous levels for the equipment inside!
It may sound silly to wonder about 'overheating devices' in the winter but the space inside the device has several vents to expel the heat and that heat will stay in there unless properly ventilated.
Make sure there is proper space for the vents to expel heat and clear out any dust that may have accumulated over time. There might not even need to be a heater in the room if the device is allowed to properly vent the heat it generates!
- 3: Hydrate and Stretch
This post isn't just a PSA about electrical equipment, The Player should take care of themselves also! Stretching regularly during play allows proper blood flow and circulation to the limbs, which are even more important in the winter! Trying to stand up with a sleeping leg isn't fun and that tingly feeling is hardly pleasant.
Hydration also plays a key role in helping this process continue without hinderance! The Player is an athlete and taking steps to limber up and prepare for battle are always recommended.
- 4: Breathing
Breathing in Cold weather can get difficult as the air constantly changes from the temperature, all the particles and pollen blown in from the fronts, along with heaters drying out the air in an attempt to warm the air.
Taking deeper breaths from the belly is generally a better solution than regular 'chest' breathing as 'belly breathing' takes less energy and allows better air circulation.
(Self Promo: I did a post about trying deeper breaths during Gaming. I still practice and it works well when making a critical decision in skirmishes!)
- 5: Knowing When to Unplug
Winter storms and incoming freezing cold fronts can wreck havoc on the electrical grid. Keeping up to date is important with plugged in equipment. Power suddenly going out or the electric company 'surging' the power to houses can damage plugged in equipment! Sometimes I can feel the power before it turns on and I am always glad I unplugged everything beforehand. That overload of power has damaged equipment before so don't sleep on this tip!
My intention for this post was to help keep my fellow Gamers aware of how Winter weather can affect their gaming and to protect their hardware when they can. If you want to share any of your thoughts in the comments, feel free!
That's all for now. Stay warm and Happy Gaming!
Good tips for gamers and general computer users too. I know in my area we had power surges which prompted me to unplug my computers to keep them safe.
Another tips I implement during the coldest days in winter is to place a heating pad on my lap or around my legs/feet. When I'm too cold I find it hard to concentrate on work, so keeping my legs and feet warm keeps me more productive in colder weather.
Heating pads are great for winter. They don't take up as much juice as a space heater and if paired properly with a blanket can provide a comfortable space where ever its placed. Just keep an eye on the heat levels as it could easily cause harm through its output.
Thanks for sharing! I appreciate your input.
I have a couple of heating pads. One is old and will get hotter than I'd like if I don't watch it closely. The other is newer and has an automated shut off after a couple of hours. It doesn't get as hot, but it is definitely the safer option.
Never knew that there are so many things to consider when gaming in the winter. Definitely not something I could imagine because there's no winter here where I live...
Stay safe!
There are many things to think about when winter cold fronts hit areas that aren't normally conditioned for them. There is usually a brief panic as the population tries to figure out how to survive the freezing temperatures. Many forget how delicate electrical grids can be and the cold affects those systems especially hard.
I'm glad you don't have to worry about sudden weather changes, it can be tough on hardware! Where I live usually doesn't get below freezing temps. On the odd occasions it does though, I do my best to protect my gear (and stay warm!).
Thank you for your well wishes and comment!