The Beauty of Simplicity - Finding Joy in the Little Things

Image by jcomp on Freepik

Hello fellow Hiveans, hope everybody is doing well. Nowadays being simple is hard given the technology at hand and making people to show off what they are not. Simplicity is a gentle important aspect of our life. It offers a out of the phase life as the world nowadays is filled with distractions like a place that gives clarity, joy and pleasure with the most ordinary things in our life. A simple life doesn't offer a grand and showing off life, instead it embraces the present moment and will try to appreciate the little things exists in our everyday life.

Not everyone can enjoy little things, it's like a gift that requires a shift in how we view our world. Sometimes people tend to make efforts to chase after big achievements or extraordinary things in the hope of bringing happiness in their life. But, if we stop for a moment and take a step back omly to see and realise that the life's most important moments are often the smallest like waking up early in the morning on a winter season and feeling the chill breeze out coming towards our face and touching gives an immense pleasure, sitting on a comfortable chair directed towards a TV and watching your favourite channel or listing to your favourite song, watching raining out side through a window. These moments may seem to be small but they have a certain sense of peace and fulfill of our mind with good time when we notice them.

If you see closely, you will find the smell of soil just when rain starts. It puts a joy in our mind. Simplicity is like enjoying our freedom with little things that brings us joy. It relieves us from the materialistic world nowadays, commitments and clear our mind of unnecessary burdened things which were dragging us down. Simplicity is truly impacts our life by letting go of non essential things in our life making room for what truly matters. This all thoughts of being simplicity and leading a simple life doesn't mean that we set aside our goals and ambitions, it's more like finding a balance between what we desire and appreciating the path we take to be there. It's like not to run towards your goal, but live and appreciate the moments of experienced steps towards your goal.

The perspective of living our life simple can be a transforming experience. We then begin to see the good things about being modest and getting joy in little things. As simple as just sharing food with our loved ones, strengthens the bond and connection between them by giving a pleasant moment with your loved ones. Like that early morning cup of tea we sip and enjoying the view of nature early in the morning. Everyday some would consume more tea, but try to stop for a moment and savior it by enjoying the taste of tea with the nature. Even the tiresome tasts like doing laundry seems to be good things to do when our mind is free of worries.

The pursuit of simplicity is about letting go the nature of thinking that extraordinary things can bring happiness in our life, it's more like encouraging us to live in the moment and appreciate the beauty in what we mostly have overlooked as simple things. It also doesn't mean compromising for the less and giving up your aspirations, instead it's being present and feeling great for the things we have and get joy in our life. Be grateful for the things we have rather than the fact that the things we don't possess. Ever wonder what happens in our little brain when we are alone and quite and being lost in our thoughts giving us a mindful of good things to think about only when we fully present in them.

Simplicity offers a connection between ourselves and the world around us. It transforms us from the noises and distractions and being able to hear our own thoughts, awareness of our emotions and respond to the world with a simple calm mind. These things possess towards a great appreciation for life in its purest form and make us embrace the way of living an authentic way of life. In a way, being able to get joy from little things, it means we are not just surviving in our life, but thriving in our life, as we have chosen to live the life in its genuine form of living way.

Living simple is not about ending up with less, but it's an intention to choose the grace in ordinary things and moments and finding beauty in everyday of our life. Sometimes those little things may not seem to be significant, but with a relaxed and free mind we can see through that and be thankful that we had another day of joy and living simple.
