RE: The Pursuit Of Forever
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I personally don't think I'd be me in a digital thing. I don't think any person is. Form shapes who we are. Our bodies shape our perceptions, our understanding, everything is filtered through our body. Heck the brain is a part of our body.
I think of how much my day to day feeling of life changed when I'm hurt, or sick or when I'm healty. How perception changed when medication made me photosensitive and I had to wear sunglasses on overcast days or things felt to bright. Or more positive things like the simple pleasure of drinking a cup of tea or curling into a fuzzy blanket. Can we be human without a human body?
Or perhaps a more important question, just because we might not be human, does that make it a bad thing?
I also grapple with these kind of thoughts. Almost all our experiences is centered around the body as it is the axis through which we interact with this world, even on this emerging digital space.
Being a completely digital being without a human body is quite hard to conceptualize at this point for me, especially the aspect of will we still be a human without a human body? what does it mean to be a human in the first place?
Unless there's something to compare and contrast against with this human experience, then it'll be hard to really tell.
I don't think it's a bad thing at all, we've been stuck for generations thinking we're human when the reality could be we're just having a human experience. Who knows, maybe the human experience is about to be transformed into something else?
Thanks for stopping by :)