Video. Just Another Library Day.

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Hello guys!

I thought for this library day, I would take some snippets of what we do at the library every Friday.

We still keep our Friday Library Day despite the tremendous summer heat. The humidity this week has been over the top, magnifying the heat all the more.

Anyway, in the video you will also see the Reframing Reality exhibit featured at the ground floor of the Abu Dhabi Cultural Foundation. You will also see that they have a dallah (coffee pot) and some dates for the visitors - truly, a symbol of Arab hospitality.

The Children's Library is at the first floor - inside there are two levels. We stay at the second level (for bigger kids).

We start by returning any books that are due to be returned (we can borrow up to 6 books for 3 weeks) and then the kids go and choose the books that they would like to borrow anew.

There are many reading nooks and play areas in the library. The kids have a great time and really look forward for this day all the time.

All photos are owned by the author unless stated otherwise.

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