[ENG/ITA] If You Like CommentRewarder, This Tool Might Be For You!
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If You Like CommentRewarder, This Tool Might Be For You!
About a month ago, CommentRewarder was revelead to Hive, giving authors the ability to share a portion of the rewards generated by their posts with users commenting on them.
To use it, you just need to set @commentrewarder as (at least) 3% beneficiary of your post and then upvote the comments you think deserve a little extra reward.
Keep in mind that comments must be upvoted within 3 days of the post’s publication to qualify for @commentrewarder rewards. Also, remember that the higher the upvote on a comment, the larger the share of rewards its author will receive from @commentrewarder.
The process is simple and clever, adding a fun way to further personalize your style on Hive while also encouraging user interaction.
@acidyo and @hivetrending did an excellent job, and many users are already actively using CommentRewarder. To find them, just go to @commentrewarder’s feed by clicking this link and you’ll see all the posts that have activated this feature.
A Script to Tackle a Potential Issue
This new feature is undoubtedly helpful and once again shows how flexible and powerful Hive is.
However, as is often the case with many stuff on Hive, it doesn’t take long to notice that the larger a user is, the more they can benefit from the opportunities offered by this chain.
And, with CommentRewarder, this could partially undermine the project’s main goal, which is to allow authors with smaller upvotes to reward users who interact and comment on their posts.
It’s easy to imagine that most people will be drawn to posts that not only have @commentrewarder set as a beneficiary but are also receiving lots of rewards: the more rewards a post has, the larger the potential rewards for those who comment.
Posts with fewer upvotes—often from smaller users who could benefit most from this feature—might go unnoticed: why spend time on a post with $5 in rewards when I could comment on one with $100?
This seems like an inevitable conclusion if all one seeks is to earn a bit more Hive.
Yet, it’s a conclusion that may turn out to be wrong more often than you might think.
Plus, it’s not a great way to act, in my opinion, since interactions should always be genuine and not aimed at earning 10 cents more...
To demonstrate it, here’s a simple example:
Post with $100 in rewards, @commentrewarder set as a 3% beneficiary, 25 comments received, 15 of which were upvoted.
Post with $5 in rewards, @commentrewarder set as a 10% beneficiary, 0 comments.
At first glance, someone might think commenting on the first post is much more profitable and, having to choose between 1) and 2), would likely go for the first one, ignoring the second… but is it a smart choice?
3% of $50 (half of the rewards that go to the author) is $1.5, which will be split among 15 comments: so we have 10 comments that will receive nothing, and 15 that will each get an average of 10 cents.
10% of $2.5 (again, half of the author rewards) is $0.25: if you comment and get upvoted, you could potentially receive this entire reward (while also giving a bit of support to someone who hasn’t received a single comment so far…).
Final result? 10 cents (maybe) versus 25 cents.
So, if your goal is to earn a bit more in rewards, the $5 post is actually the better option.
And That’s Where My Script Comes In!
My script is designed to simply do this:
- identify all posts published in the last 24 hours (customizable) with @commentrewarder as at least 3% beneficiary
- check the exact percentage set for the beneficiary
- show how many comments each post has received
- show how many of these comments were upvoted by the post’s author
- check the post’s pending rewards
- calculate the average rewards each upvoted comment will receive from the post’s author
Thus, anyone can easily view all the posts using @commentrewarder and quickly access additional data that might lead them to prefer a small author’s post over one from a bigger author with dozens of comments.
This way, the desire some users have to earn more rewards will be, at the very least, directed toward those going unnoticed, giving them the gratification of receiving a few extra comments.
I’m well aware that no one will probably use my script, but this was the idea behind it 😅
Work in Progress
With this post coming to an end, I just have to share my script, noting that it’s still a WORK IN PROGRESS.
As @libertycrypto27 has personally experienced, my way of working involves reviewing and revising what I’ve done, and I’ll definitely be tweaking this code a bunch more times, finding and fixing various bugs and adding new functions to make it even more useful and easy to use.
If you’d like to try the script, you can find it here.
And here’s an example of the result you’d get by running it:
Posts published in the last 24 hours with @commentrewarder as beneficiary:
1) https://www.peakd.com/@macchiata/fantech-atom-mizu-after-a-month-use with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.20099999999999998 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
2) https://www.peakd.com/@hiddenblad3/horror-hospital-weird-shooting-game-chuxie-part-1 with 0 replies upvoted out of 0 replies: 0.0002 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
3) https://www.peakd.com/@jlinaresp/daily-photo-catharsis-street-photography-from-montalban-carabobo-venezuela-oror-eng-esp-oror-10-pics with 0 replies upvoted out of 2 replies: 0.046709999999999995 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
4) https://www.peakd.com/@eve66/glitchtober-sacrifice-by-eve66-or-esp-eng with 0 replies upvoted out of 3 replies: 0.002725 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
5) https://www.peakd.com/@seckorama/humble-halloween with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.00813 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
6) https://www.peakd.com/@justclickindiva/alternatives-to-a-catch-22-a-zapfic-250-word-microfiction-based-on-or-26-october-2024-mariannewests-freewrite-writing-prompt-d with 1 replies upvoted out of 6 replies: 0.0373 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
7) https://www.peakd.com/@anggreklestari/coconut-tofu-snacks with 0 replies upvoted out of 5 replies: 0.27636 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
8) https://www.peakd.com/@jacobtothe/happy-halloween-sm7jdr with 0 replies upvoted out of 3 replies: 0.149 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
9) https://www.peakd.com/@dimascastillo90/aghata-enjoys-the-sun with 0 replies upvoted out of 4 replies: 0.09787499999999999 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
10) https://www.peakd.com/@xplosive/i-bought-cryptocurrency-bitcoin-btc with 1 replies upvoted out of 2 replies: 0.06065 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
11) https://www.peakd.com/@logen9f/splinterlands-eos-let-s-splend with 1 replies upvoted out of 2 replies: 0.0014550000000000001 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
12) https://www.peakd.com/@galberto/dendrocygna-autumnalis-pichiche-duck-a-beautiful-pet with 2 replies upvoted out of 5 replies: 0.068675 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
13) https://www.peakd.com/@nicklewis/drambo with 0 replies upvoted out of 0 replies: 0.0001 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
14) https://www.peakd.com/@nicklewis/caribbean-beach-after-dark with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.000825 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
15) https://www.peakd.com/@adamada/random-spiel-why-philippines-have-low-household-consumption with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.31865000000000004 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
16) https://www.peakd.com/@peak.snaps/snap-container-1730376720 with 0 replies upvoted out of 162 replies: 4.914855 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
17) https://www.peakd.com/@lauramica/daily-blog-choosing-to-return-to-the-place-where-you-had-such-a-good-time-el-bolson-in-rio-negro-will-always-be-special-to-me- with 0 replies upvoted out of 9 replies: 0.28580999999999995 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
18) https://www.peakd.com/@ammonite/boil-video-art with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.1005 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
19) https://www.peakd.com/@logen9f/photos-from-the-manila-cathedral with 2 replies upvoted out of 5 replies: 0.007124999999999999 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
20) https://www.peakd.com/@castleberry/hotshots--103124 with 2 replies upvoted out of 50 replies: 0.08011499999999999 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
21) https://www.peakd.com/@blkchn/zugvogel with 0 replies upvoted out of 0 replies: 0.049249999999999995 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
22) https://www.peakd.com/@angeluxx/the-incredulous-navigatorzingtober-or-navigator-or-eng-esp with 3 replies upvoted out of 6 replies: 0.022158333333333332 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
23) https://www.peakd.com/@quantumg/homunculi-digital-art-en-or-de with 0 replies upvoted out of 4 replies: 0.23463 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
24) https://www.peakd.com/@lanzjoseg/concurso-tbt-una-foto-una-historia-un-da-de-esos-6xf with 6 replies upvoted out of 18 replies: 0.0036175000000000005 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
25) https://www.peakd.com/@mfontom/if-only-we-had-learnt-the-right-norms-7jm with 0 replies upvoted out of 2 replies: 0.088905 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
26) https://www.peakd.com/@cadastro/earn-60percent-vital-commissions with 0 replies upvoted out of 0 replies: 0.0 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
27) https://www.peakd.com/@curamax/zingu-the-violinist-day-30 with 0 replies upvoted out of 19 replies: 0.33423 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
28) https://www.peakd.com/@ibarra95/esp-eng-scrump-la-muneca with 0 replies upvoted out of 2 replies: 0.087 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
29) https://www.peakd.com/@daveks/fallen-logs-and-reflections with 10 replies upvoted out of 25 replies: 0.027585 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
30) https://www.peakd.com/@cryptoreforma/november-1st-power-up-day with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.00715 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
31) https://www.peakd.com/@dahpilot/uptober with 3 replies upvoted out of 7 replies: 0.04675833333333334 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
32) https://www.peakd.com/@ibarra95/day-30-of-zingtober-wrackoo with 0 replies upvoted out of 4 replies: 0.10641 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
33) https://www.peakd.com/@nanixxx/forever-young-on-a-bike-a-ride-in-photos with 11 replies upvoted out of 28 replies: 0.014799999999999997 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
34) https://www.peakd.com/@justclickindiva/graveyard-fest-or-audiovisual-nft-for-halloween-art-challenge-haunted-hive with 9 replies upvoted out of 27 replies: 0.03740833333333334 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
35) https://www.peakd.com/@minnow-aid/working-on-a-project with 0 replies upvoted out of 3 replies: 0.0053 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
36) https://www.peakd.com/@manuelgil64/my-entry-to-the-pobphotocontest-7bc72c65239 with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.014459999999999999 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
37) https://www.peakd.com/@cajiro/sueno-de-fuga-la-esencia-de-la-libertad-esp-eng with 1 replies upvoted out of 4 replies: 0.5378499999999999 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
Work completed in 18.63 seconds
If you like the idea, have suggestions, requests, or just want to tell me my script is terrible (😭), feel free to let me know in the comments!
cover made with Bing AI and edited with GIMP
to support the #OliodiBalena community, @balaenoptera is 3% beneficiary of this post
If you've read this far, thank you! If you want to leave an upvote, a reblog, a follow, a comment... well, any sign of life is really much appreciated!
Versione italiana
Italian version
Se Ti Piace CommentRewarder, Questo Tool Potrebbe Fare al Caso Tuo!
Più o meno un mese fa, CommentRewarder ha fatto la sua comparsa su Hive, offrendo agli autori la possibilità di condividere parte delle rewards generate dai loro post con gli utenti che commentano quegli stessi post.
Per farlo è sufficiente settare @commentrewarder come beneficiario almeno al 3% di un proprio post e, poi, upvotare i commenti che riteniamo meritevoli di ottenere una piccola ricompensa extra.
attenzione però che i commenti, per essere ricompensati da @commentrewarder, devono essere upvotati prima che siano trascorsi 3 giorni dalla pubblicazione del post; non solo, tenete a mente che maggiore sarà l'upvote che darete ad un commento, maggiore sarà la fetta di ricompense che il suo autore riceverà da @commentrewarder.
La procedura è semplice e geniale e aggiunge una opzione simpatica con cui personalizzare ancora di più il proprio stile su Hive, oltre ad essere un modo per stimolare l'interazione tra utenti.
@acidyo e @hivetrending hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro e sono già molti gli utenti che utilizzano attivamente CommentRewarder: per trovarli basta andare sul feed dell'account @commentrewarder cliccando su questo link, trovandosi così di fronte a tutti i post che hanno attivato questa funzione.
Dato che, però, ultimamente mi sto divertendo a creare piccoli script che svolgano compiti utili, qualche giorno fa ho deciso di mettermi a lavoro su una idea che avevo avuto già dopo pochi giorni dalla presentazione di CommentRewarder.
Uno script per mitigare un possibile problema
Questa nuova funzione, infatti, è sicuramente estremamente utile e dimostra, ancora una volta, quanto sia flessibile e potente Hive.
Tuttavia, come spesso accade per molte cose su Hive, ci vuole poco per accorgersi che tanto più un utente è grande, tanto più riuscirà a beneficiare delle possibilità offerte da questa chain.
E, nel caso di CommentRewarder, questo, almeno secondo me, rischia di vanificare in parte quello che è lo scopo principale del progetto, ossia consentire a quegli autori che hanno a disposizione upvote molto piccoli di premiare quegli utenti che interagiscono e commentano i loro post.
Ci vuole poco, infatti, per immaginare che la maggior parte delle persone sarà attratta dai post che, oltre ad avere impostato @commentrewarder come beneficiario, stanno anche ricevendo molte ricompense: maggiori sono le ricompense del post, maggiore è la fetta della torta a cui può ambire chi commenta.
I post con pochi upvote, che spesso sono quelli degli utenti più piccoli e che più di altri potrebbero beneficiare di questa funzione, rischiano di passare totalmente inosservati: perchè perdere tempo con un post che ha ricevuto 5 dollari di ricompense quando posso commentarne uno che ne ha ricevuti 100?
Sembra una conclusione inevitabile se tutto quello che si vuole è ottenere qualche Hive in più.
Eppure è una conclusione che, più spesso di quel che si pensa, rischia di rivelarsi sbagliata.
oltre a non essere un gran modo di ragionare, a mio avviso, perchè l'interazione dovrebbe sempre essere sincera, e non finalizzata ad ottenere 0,10 centesimi...
Per dimostrarlo vi faccio un semplice esempio:
Post con 100 dollari di ricompense, @commentrewarder impostato come beneficiario al 3%, 25 commenti ricevuti, di cui 15 upvotati.
post con 5 dollari di ricompense, @commentrewarder impostato come beneficiario al 10%, 0 commenti.
Qualcuno all'apparenza potrebbe pensare che commentare il primo post sia molto conveniente e, dovendo scegliere fra l'1) ed il 2), probabilmente andrebbe sul primo ignorando il secondo... ma è una scelta intelligente?
Il 3% di 50 dollari (la metà delle ricompense che vanno all'autore) sono 1,5 dollari, che verranno suddivisi tra 15 commenti: abbiamo quindi 10 commenti che non riceveranno nulla e 15 che riceveranno di media 0.10 centesimi a testa.
Il 10% di 2.5 dollari (come sopra, la metà delle author rewards) sono 0.25 dollari: se si commenta e si viene upvotati, potenzialmente si ottiene questa intera ricompensa (oltre a dare un minimo di soddisfazione a chi finora non avevo ricevuto nemmeno un commento...).
Risultato finale? 0,10 centesimi (forse) contro 0,25.
Il post da 5 dollari è quindi in realtà quello che converrebbe commentare, se ciò che si vuole è ottenere qualche ricompensa in più.
Ed ecco il perchè del mio script!
Il mio script si propone, perciò, di fare semplicemente questo:
- individuare tutti i post che sono stati pubblicati nelle ultime 24 ore (personalizzabile) con @commentrewarder come beneficiario almeno al 3%
- controllare la percentuale esatta a cui è stato impostato il beneficiario
- mostrare quanti commenti ha ricevuto ognuno di questi post
- mostrare quanti di questi commenti sono stati upvotati dall'autore del post
- controllare le ricompense pending del post
- calcolare di media quante ricompense riceverà ogni commento che riceverà un upvote dall'autore del post
Così chi vorrà potrà non solo vedere facilmente tutti i post che hanno utilizzato @commentrewarder, ma anche avere rapido accesso a tutta una serie di dati in più che potrebbero portarlo a preferire il post di un piccolo autore rispetto a quello di uno più grande che, magari, ha già ricevuto decine di commenti.
In questo modo il desiderio di alcuni di ottenere più ricompense sarà, quantomeno, diretto verso coloro che stanno passando inosservati, dando loro la soddisfazione di ricevere qualche commento in più.
Poi so benissimo che nessuno utilizzerà il mio script, probabilmente, però l'idea sarebbe questa 😅
Work in progress
Arrivato alla fine del post, non mi resta che condividere il mio script, con la precisazione che si tratta ancora di un WORK IN PROGRESS.
Come @libertycrypto27 ha infatti sperimentato in prima persona, il mio modo di lavorare prevede di vedere e rivedere quel che ho fatto e sicuramente rimetterò mano a questo codice altre 20 volte, trovando e correggendo vari bug ed aggiungendo nuove funzioni, così da renderlo sempre più utile e comodo da usare.
Se volete provare lo script lo trovate qui.
E questo è un esempio del risultato che otterreste avviandolo:
Posts published in the last 24 hours with @commentrewarder as beneficiary:
1) https://www.peakd.com/@macchiata/fantech-atom-mizu-after-a-month-use with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.20099999999999998 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
2) https://www.peakd.com/@hiddenblad3/horror-hospital-weird-shooting-game-chuxie-part-1 with 0 replies upvoted out of 0 replies: 0.0002 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
3) https://www.peakd.com/@jlinaresp/daily-photo-catharsis-street-photography-from-montalban-carabobo-venezuela-oror-eng-esp-oror-10-pics with 0 replies upvoted out of 2 replies: 0.046709999999999995 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
4) https://www.peakd.com/@eve66/glitchtober-sacrifice-by-eve66-or-esp-eng with 0 replies upvoted out of 3 replies: 0.002725 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
5) https://www.peakd.com/@seckorama/humble-halloween with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.00813 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
6) https://www.peakd.com/@justclickindiva/alternatives-to-a-catch-22-a-zapfic-250-word-microfiction-based-on-or-26-october-2024-mariannewests-freewrite-writing-prompt-d with 1 replies upvoted out of 6 replies: 0.0373 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
7) https://www.peakd.com/@anggreklestari/coconut-tofu-snacks with 0 replies upvoted out of 5 replies: 0.27636 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
8) https://www.peakd.com/@jacobtothe/happy-halloween-sm7jdr with 0 replies upvoted out of 3 replies: 0.149 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
9) https://www.peakd.com/@dimascastillo90/aghata-enjoys-the-sun with 0 replies upvoted out of 4 replies: 0.09787499999999999 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
10) https://www.peakd.com/@xplosive/i-bought-cryptocurrency-bitcoin-btc with 1 replies upvoted out of 2 replies: 0.06065 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
11) https://www.peakd.com/@logen9f/splinterlands-eos-let-s-splend with 1 replies upvoted out of 2 replies: 0.0014550000000000001 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
12) https://www.peakd.com/@galberto/dendrocygna-autumnalis-pichiche-duck-a-beautiful-pet with 2 replies upvoted out of 5 replies: 0.068675 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
13) https://www.peakd.com/@nicklewis/drambo with 0 replies upvoted out of 0 replies: 0.0001 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
14) https://www.peakd.com/@nicklewis/caribbean-beach-after-dark with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.000825 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
15) https://www.peakd.com/@adamada/random-spiel-why-philippines-have-low-household-consumption with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.31865000000000004 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
16) https://www.peakd.com/@peak.snaps/snap-container-1730376720 with 0 replies upvoted out of 162 replies: 4.914855 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
17) https://www.peakd.com/@lauramica/daily-blog-choosing-to-return-to-the-place-where-you-had-such-a-good-time-el-bolson-in-rio-negro-will-always-be-special-to-me- with 0 replies upvoted out of 9 replies: 0.28580999999999995 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
18) https://www.peakd.com/@ammonite/boil-video-art with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.1005 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
19) https://www.peakd.com/@logen9f/photos-from-the-manila-cathedral with 2 replies upvoted out of 5 replies: 0.007124999999999999 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
20) https://www.peakd.com/@castleberry/hotshots--103124 with 2 replies upvoted out of 50 replies: 0.08011499999999999 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
21) https://www.peakd.com/@blkchn/zugvogel with 0 replies upvoted out of 0 replies: 0.049249999999999995 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
22) https://www.peakd.com/@angeluxx/the-incredulous-navigatorzingtober-or-navigator-or-eng-esp with 3 replies upvoted out of 6 replies: 0.022158333333333332 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
23) https://www.peakd.com/@quantumg/homunculi-digital-art-en-or-de with 0 replies upvoted out of 4 replies: 0.23463 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
24) https://www.peakd.com/@lanzjoseg/concurso-tbt-una-foto-una-historia-un-da-de-esos-6xf with 6 replies upvoted out of 18 replies: 0.0036175000000000005 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
25) https://www.peakd.com/@mfontom/if-only-we-had-learnt-the-right-norms-7jm with 0 replies upvoted out of 2 replies: 0.088905 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
26) https://www.peakd.com/@cadastro/earn-60percent-vital-commissions with 0 replies upvoted out of 0 replies: 0.0 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
27) https://www.peakd.com/@curamax/zingu-the-violinist-day-30 with 0 replies upvoted out of 19 replies: 0.33423 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
28) https://www.peakd.com/@ibarra95/esp-eng-scrump-la-muneca with 0 replies upvoted out of 2 replies: 0.087 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
29) https://www.peakd.com/@daveks/fallen-logs-and-reflections with 10 replies upvoted out of 25 replies: 0.027585 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
30) https://www.peakd.com/@cryptoreforma/november-1st-power-up-day with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.00715 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
31) https://www.peakd.com/@dahpilot/uptober with 3 replies upvoted out of 7 replies: 0.04675833333333334 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
32) https://www.peakd.com/@ibarra95/day-30-of-zingtober-wrackoo with 0 replies upvoted out of 4 replies: 0.10641 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
33) https://www.peakd.com/@nanixxx/forever-young-on-a-bike-a-ride-in-photos with 11 replies upvoted out of 28 replies: 0.014799999999999997 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
34) https://www.peakd.com/@justclickindiva/graveyard-fest-or-audiovisual-nft-for-halloween-art-challenge-haunted-hive with 9 replies upvoted out of 27 replies: 0.03740833333333334 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
35) https://www.peakd.com/@minnow-aid/working-on-a-project with 0 replies upvoted out of 3 replies: 0.0053 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
36) https://www.peakd.com/@manuelgil64/my-entry-to-the-pobphotocontest-7bc72c65239 with 0 replies upvoted out of 1 replies: 0.014459999999999999 HBD (potentially) going on average to each upvoted comment
37) https://www.peakd.com/@cajiro/sueno-de-fuga-la-esencia-de-la-libertad-esp-eng with 1 replies upvoted out of 4 replies: 0.5378499999999999 HBD going on average to each upvoted comment
Work completed in 18.63 seconds
Se l'idea vi piace, avete dei suggerimenti, delle richieste o volete solo dirmi che il mio script fa schifo (😭) fatemelo sapere nei commenti!
cover realizzata con Bing AI ed editata con GIMP
a supporto della community #OliodiBalena, il 3% delle ricompense di questo post va a @balaenoptera
Se sei arrivato a leggere fin qui, grazie! Se hai voglia di lasciare un upvote, un reblog, un follow, un commento... be', un qualsiasi segnale di vita, in realtà, è molto apprezzato!
Congratulations @arc7icwolf! You received a personal badge!
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Good idea! How about a simple front-end for users to seek posts to interact with? !BBH
It would make the user experience way more friendly, but I'm not sure is something I may be able realize... for now :)
Yet, adding at least an interface would be cool and I might try to do it!
Hi, @ironshield,
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@arc7icwolf! @ironshield likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @ironshield. (4/100)
(html comment removed:
Finalmente ho capito cos'è CommentRewarder di cui sentivo parlare ma non sapevo nulla non avendo tempo di leggere :D
Felice di essere stato utile :)
It doesn't hurt to have more tools! It's excellent how Hive APIs allow anyone to build things like this.
Yeah, I have to thank @felixxx for helping me understand how Hive APIs work. Now I can experiment and try to build stuff which, maybe, someone might find useful :)
You know that I was thinking this morning to do some script for doing the same thing ?? hehe a friend of mine asked me how to find commentrewarder posts... I never thought about this math though, since I usually go to the posts that I feel willing to contribute hehe
I love when people think in a problem and try to solve it with some scripting! good job! I just hope that everyone that is using the tool knows who to curate or not! I have been using it in my posts and I am seeing some faces that are interacting with my posts in an inorganic way...so I live them behind
Thanks :) that's what I love about coding too! If we can think of a problem we can try to solve it with some scripts!
Agreed: only genuine comments should be rewarded. Fake engagement is so sad and lame...
Mi sono iscritto prima di te su Hive ma ho 1/1000000000 delle tue conoscenze :D
Grazie per questa condivisione!
Solo perché sei stato assente per tanto :)
Datti un annetto o due e vedrai quante cose saprai che io, invece, non so!
Congratulations @arc7icwolf! You received a personal badge!
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!
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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@hiq.smartbot(2/5) tipped @arc7icwolf
arc7icwolf tipped stradaxlaliberta
@arc7icwolf, I paid out 1.048 HIVE and 0.000 HBD to reward 5 comments in this discussion thread.
Sono davvero felice di vedere un utente come te divertirsi ad esplorare le api di Hive e a creare script utilissimi.
Bravo e continua così!
Essendo stato uno studente di programmazione è un piacere per me incentivare il tuo lavoro sulla scrittura di scripts e quindi...
!discovery 30
@tipu curate 2
Sorry, please curate posts not older than 1 day.
@libertycrypto27, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (2/3) and will start the voting trail.
In addition, @arc7icwolf gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.
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