RE: Web 3 Ensures The End Of Governments


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I don't disagree with you that governments are highly flawed and sometimes turn on their own people rather than protecting them.
Nor do I disagree that most modern societies are quite fragile and depend on things like electricity and diesel which can be taken out by a determined enemy reasonably easily.

But the simple fact remains that the organisational power and financial resources of the nation state are essential for defence. No private organisation or DAO or collective decentralised group can match this power to conduct warfare.

The US Founding Fathers had it correct that a centralised State was necessary for defence (indeed the US Constitution with Federal tax powers arose precisely because of the need for a Navy to defeat the Barbary Pirates (African Muslims kidnapping, raping and hijacking ships) - sound familiar to Hamas & Houthis today?!!.

They also had it correct that that centralised State should have very limited other roles - the gradual expansion of government into all areas of life is where things have gone wrong, not the nation state itself.
