Fascinating Insects||Genus Acraea

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Acraea25 feb 2025Regency Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

Hello all #Fascinating Insects friends, this time I am back in this community and trying to bring some beautiful butterfly pictures, I found the butterflies while doing my daily activities.

Taking pictures of butterflies with a mobile phone has its own challenges because the animal is very agile towards us humans because it considers us a threat and I managed to take some pictures because of my interest when I saw this insect which usually butterflies will move away when we approach but this time the butterfly I met was very tame even I tried to hold it as close as possible and it did not fly away from me

I also decided to take some pictures so that they could be shared with this beloved community

I was interested when I first saw this butterfly, its prominent pattern with such beautiful colors, a perfect combination of black spots and yellow

Okay my friends, below are some pictures that I took, hopefully you all are entertained and like what I share at this meeting and I apologize if the pictures I took are not so good and the writing I made is not so neat because I just joined this platform and don't know how the ins and outs and rules can go home Okay friends, I hope you are entertained, see you at the next meeting

  • the first time I saw him, and he was very tame, the proof was my hand almost touched his body, and he didn't fly away

  • look my friends, what do you think about the pattern?

  • and I took a picture of him from the side, I apologize if it's not good, because I didn't bring an additional macro

Camera usedHandphone
Lens64 mp
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Acraea

About the author

Maulizar Mawardi or better known as @antonydossantos. I am a student. Like taking pictures, but not a professional photographer, insect lover, nature lover, looking for momentum is my hobby.

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