The Daily Meme #784!


It's that valueplan time of year.

There are a number of folks concerned about how the dao is being spent.
Too many times their appeals take on greater importance than they warrant, imo.

On hive it is possible to determine one's impact on the whole.
Simply take the fully diluted value of hive and divide that by how much you hold/control.
This is the full amount of the impact of 'the whales' spending 'like drunken sailors' on boreholes, rally cars, public workouts, various events, and maybe some fraud, has on you.

I agree that any fraud is an issue.
But, the reality is that while every stakeholder is impacted by this 'willy-nilly' 'cash dump', that impact is quite small.

My guess is that 'the whales' collectively have 100's of millions of usd, the dao is a tiny fraction of their true net worth.

That they agree to surrender control over the hive to others is admirable.
IF you support the transfer of power from the haves to the havenots, buy more hive.

IF you would like to see that same thing play out in real life, stop complying, now.
You will not comply your way out of the tyranny of the voraciously wealthy.

You know, tyranny, when the 'ruling class' thinks of you as a cash cow.
To be farmed incessantly and ruthlessly because 'they' are 'better than you' and you just 'get what you deserve'.

The only way out of that predicament is generalized non-compliance.
Build the new way to make the old way obsolete.

Whether 'the whales' are altruistic or ruthlessly crapitalistic, there is only one way over this hill.
Buy more hive, make more posts, vote more people, power up more hive to help your communities, until we tip over the status quo, nothing changes.

There are other ways, but they require more altruism than I've seen demonstrated, up to this point.


Are you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places?
Perhaps it is time you pushed back on that.
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
The fed buys coins at face value from the mint.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets.
Stop playing in their shell game that allows them to play in the amusement parks from hell and shop in the human grocery stores.

Death to Discord!
Long live Sting!

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We already have to stake HIVE up to the some extend to have a word on HIVE.
