The Daily Meme #739!


What other control features do you figure they built into your programming?

Never thought about it?

Thinking this random fella on the interwebz is just crazy?
Nobody did any programming?
My government loves me and would never do things like that to us.

All I can tell you is that you won't comply your way out of tyranny.
Back the blue, until they do it to you.

The control freaks are getting out of line.
Time to put a halt to all that, iyam.

Freedom is never given, you have to take it, or you can't have it.



Back the blue, until they do it to you

Was it on your blog that I learned just how close we all are to being made slaves?

Incarcerated "criminals" comprise government facilitated slave populations.

Laws and regulations that make what you think politically criminal acts are being made daily. McCarthyism returns.

Laws and regulations that force you to submit to medical experimentation have already been passed. Can you spell Natsi?

Laws refusing to submit your children to genital mutilation have also been passed.

What are they going to make illegal next? Isn't this surreal enough for us?

One law away from being made a slave. One.



Was it on your blog that I learned just how close we all are to being made slaves?

Free people don't need permission to drive their cars around on the public roads.
Free people don't need to display their documents in order to drive their car around without being molested by armed road pirates.

Free people probably should wear seatbelts, have you seen how some of these folks drive?
Insurance isn't a bad idea, but making it mandatory makes being poor a crime.
Just because I have 500usd for a car doesn't mean I have 100usd a month on the off chance that I crash it into somebody else.
How free am I?

Only one escape from tyranny.
Mass non-compliance.

No one rules where none obey.™

So, when you think, 'That behavior should be controlled.', but don't immediately execute somebody, it's not freedom that you want.
If what they are doing isn't worth immediate execution by you personally, then you should probably go back to your own little bubble and leave their's where it is.
Delegating that power is a bad idea, as you can see by looking around currently.
Control freaks, everywhere!
None willing to do the dirty work themselves.

IF everybody could make this concept clear to their friends and acquaintances the world would be a different place.


IF everybody could make this concept clear to their friends and acquaintances the world would be a different place.

I hear that all the time.
The thing is, you cannot make this concept clear to anyone who has not concluded it himself. The thing is, that sacrificing your job, your being embedded into a social circle and such, brings you nothing when you have no substitute for that. In trying to communicate to your friends and acquaintances that freedom is not given but taken, it can very well happen that you end up alone, with no finances, with no backup what can sustain you, without then needing to either becoming dependent on another human being, or to become dependent on the well-fare state. Since dependent, you are.

Now, if no friends are left to be friends (same with family), there is no one from them to become dependent on. You either starve, get back to some job or go to receive government money (in case you cannot find one).

I thought that I already had directed my way of living as a freelancer the best I could, also, when we had a company back then, we had chosen to go full risk, in order to overcome the fact of receiving the ever same amount of money.
Our company went bankrupt, since the risk we took, was too high.
I myself was fired during the plandemic, since my non-compliance was not well received.

The ludicrously contradictory thing about this is the following: If you realise that freedom is not given, but must be taken, you must also realise that it will cost you something. When you finally realise that it has cost you the most (work, family, friends), then before it costs you this job and this social affiliation, you should have already built up an alternative network that prevents you from falling into financial ruin, that secures you a network of supporters. But then you would have already lived in a way that would have started the story earlier, that it had cost you friends or family.

But now a new player comes into the picture that you didn't think your current network would be compliant with. And then you are once again in the situation of having to take care of a new network. Because you can't predict the future.

The thing is, you can replace a job and you can replace a source of income, but what you can't replace are long-time friends or family members.

Personally, the only reason I didn't crash was because I relied on my husband to support my decision not to comply. But you could say that because my husband has a permanent job, he behaved wrongly because he followed the rules. Tell me, what should he have done?

The realisation that at some point someone is outwardly compliant in order to protect/support someone else who is not is not difficult in principle.

My insight of all of it is that a man needs a woman and a woman needs a man. Since, if you be together for a long time (life long), you will see that roles are shifting. Some time (even years) one of the two is the more receiving one. And then, the other will be. Sometimes roles never change. But however it is, the relationship between men and women, and between them and their children (if they happen to be parents) are the most important ones.

You can crack an isolated individual easily. And since apparently we seem to have high numbers of singles and non parents living in modern societies, that is the weakest point of all.

So, no, you neither can make that concept clear to friends, family and least to acquaintances. Since it must be lived out experience and not in theory, unfortunately, I must say. (Or, maybe in a very very rare moment).


Now, something else: you say to power up here on hive, if all the small fishes do that, we would change the situation. Which would be to meet at eye level wit the high stake holders.

But to come into the very same situation the high-stakers are already in, powering up of small stake would't do it. You'd have either to take some else crypto holdings of yours, or invest fiat money. If you had either have already invested in other crypto-currency (which requires a lot of knowledge and focus and eats up your time), or being an early bird (making everything out of nothing), or that said fiat investment, you would be the whale you want to be. That would require that you have had that money as play money in the first place. Tell me, who has a.) enough play money and b.) who has the focus/ability to be good at it? Only those who spend high amounts of time and energy with that whole thing.
Since crypto is gambling, you need gamblers. I think most people aren't. Neither am I.


If you can supply your own food, you have no need of others.
If you can't supply your own food, then socializing is required, even absent crapitalism.
I can't eat all the okra I'm going to get this year, so I will give some away.

On any given tuesday the workers can continue doing the work while refusing to pay to get that work back, and everything is free for all workers.

We have to have workers, we don't have to have dollars.™

Probably take some socializing to get that message adopted by the masses.

As for having power in the hive, IF we assume that crypto is the future of some percentage of the money whole, then more is better, no?

The question then is, how much of each should we hold.
Only you can decide that.
Will holding hive bring more return than holding fiat?
Will holding hive bring more than farming potatoes?
Will holding btc bring more return?
All questions that each individual will have to determine for themselves.
I can only tell you what is right for me, and I could be wrong about that.

Mass adoption of hive can only come from the whales selling, the inflation alone will not press them from their perch.
I'd recommend learning to trade with money you can afford to lose.
Trading markets is the highest sacrament of crapitalism, it's why wall street banks reserve it for people that already have too much.
Until the people are ready to turn their back on the banks, and corporations they control, we can only expect more of the same.

Probably should account for this reality in any prognostications.


I wrote something on blurt in response to the topic:
It's not directly related to our conversation but that is my chain of thought.

I live in the city and there is nothing I can grow for food. People I know know nothing or not much about what you and I think we know. People aren't the least bit interested, I'd say. There's not much you can do about it unless, like in my last comment, you want to live completely without friends and family.

As for learning how to deal with cryptocurrencies, yes, that's for everyone to decide. I'm not going to delve into the matter of crypto trading because it would take too much of my time and my actual focus. If you're serious about it, you have to become an expert in this field. Of course, what you say is true, it's better to have something of something than nothing at all. Whatever you bet on, though, it's always a gamble with the unknown.


True freedom is doing the right thing at all times. :)
