Delicioso smoothies de fresa y coco / Delicious strawberry and coconut smoothies by @anitacariaco

Saludo con cariño a mi querida comunidad de #hive y especial a esta deliciosa y maravillosa comunidad. Me contenta estar nuevamente con ustedes, en esta ocasion para compartirles un rico smoothies nutritivo, que aporta beneficios para nuestra buena salud. Ya les he comentado que me encanta estos batido, siempre que puede los preparo en casa, ya que ademas de ayudarme con mi salud, es un buen desayuno, rico y saludable y eso es genial!, ya que los smoothies, son una excelente opcion de bebida deliciosa, refrescante y saludable, ricas en vitaminas, que te permite combinar diferentes frutas, vegetales, tambien podemos agregarle yogur, leche o jugos, para crear una varidad de sabores y asi beneficiarnos de sus nutrientes.
Este batido que les traigo de fresa y coco, es muy facil de preparar en casa, tiene un alto contenido en fibra que nos ayuda a regular el azucar en sangre y con cierto aporte de grasa saludable, que nos ayuda a estar saciados. Les invito a que puedan preparar y disfrutar los beneficios que tiene este rico smoothies. Para preparar este delicioso batido, utilizaremos los siguientes ingredientes:
Greetings with love to my dear #hive community and especially to this delicious and wonderful community. I am happy to be with you again, this time to share a delicious nutritious smoothie, which provides benefits for our good health. I have already told you that I love these smoothies, whenever I can I prepare them at home, since in addition to helping me with my health, it is a good, rich and healthy breakfast and that is great!, since smoothies are an excellent option delicious, refreshing and healthy drink, rich in vitamins, which allows you to combine different fruits, vegetables, we can also add yogurt, milk or juices, to create a variety of flavors and thus benefit from its nutrients.
This Strawberry and coconut shake that I bring you, it is very easy to prepare at home, it has a high fiber content that helps us regulate blood sugar and with a certain contribution of healthy fat, which helps us to be satiated. I invite you to prepare and enjoy the benefits of this delicious smoothies. To prepare this delicious smoothie, we will use the following ingredients:


- Inicie licuando el coco, para extraer, la leche y reservamos.
- Start blending the coconut, to extract, the milk and reserve.

Luego coloque las fresas, previamente lavadas, junto a la remolacha y la taza de avena.
Then place the strawberries, previously washed, next to the beets and the cup of oats.

Seguidamente agregue, el medio vaso de leche de coco reservado, para llevarlo a la licuadora. Es importante que procese muy bien, para que no queden grumos
Then add the reserved half glass of coconut milk, to take it to the blender. It is important that you process very well, so that there are no lumps.

listo, así quedo este rico smoothies. Para decorar corte fresas y se lo agregue al batido
Ready, this is how this delicious smoothies turned out. To decorate cut strawberries and add it to the smoothie

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