
The use of social media platform is a common phenomenon in our communities today. Some use them for good purposes , others use them for evil purposes such as scamming. Scamming is derived from the word scam. A scam is a fraudulent transaction, a fraudulent arrangement, intended to extort money.

Scamming and its activities has brought untold hardship to its victims. Some victims sell their properties. Others commit suicide after the incident. While many end in regret. In this, I will be writing on types of scams, methods to Identify scammers, and how to overcome scamming.


Types of scams

Relationship scam: A relationship in which one partner tells lies in order to obtain money for issues such as a faked sickness, faked examination dues, faked sick parent, etc.

Business scam: A business proposal without authenticity nor means of verification.

False promises: Someone asks you to borrow him money for a faked or non existent issue with the intention not to refund the money.

Religious scam : A teacher who promises prosperity to lazy members of the church but encourages them to give tithes, an evangelist who gives false reports on baptisms to a sponsoring church or a sponsoring brother. The word scam is synonymous to the word extortion.

Methods to Identify Scammers

Scammers can be identified by their methods:

They are quick in asking for help
One of the ways of scammers operate is that they are quick in asking for help even at first sight.

They want you to send them money
They always want that you send them money in a few minutes or few hours.

They always promise to refund
They are quick to promise refund of money you send them to you.

They like to verify
They don't like you to verify their requests or inform others about their requests.

They appear as a familiar person
they like to appear as a familiar person or pretend to be familiar with you.

How to overcome scamming?

Be diligent to work
Each one should learn how to work with his own hands and earn the food they eat.

Be contented
We should be contented with what God gives us.

Not all are equal
Everyone cannot be the same in everything. Some will have more, others will have less.

Appreciate what you have
We should learned to be content (happy) in any situation in life, whether there is plenty or small.

In summary, we have looked at topic, beware of scamming, under which we studied three points; types of scams, methods to Identify scammers, and how to overcome scamming.

Finally, Contentment is the secret of living. Developing an attitude or mindset of contentment will enable us defeat scammers.


It could be very frustrating and tiring being scammed by Scammers.

Sometimes you could wonder how well you never got to notice the process and you outrightly fell for it.

Never pray to be A Victim because the pain is just so severe speaking from Experience


It is indeed an ugly experience for victims. Let us be satisfied, and continue to be grateful for what we have. Then, we will overcome this nefarious trend.
