Stoichiometry as the Key to Delicious Noodle Soup
Who can resist a warm, savory, spicy and delicious noodle soup. Especially if consumed when it is raining and cold. Mmmm, yummy . But did you know, Friends Warstek, stoichiometry can be the key to delicious noodle soup. Yes, stoichiometry, a branch of chemistry that deals with calculating the concentration of substances.
How is it possible that storichiometry is the key to delicious noodle soup?
Noodles are a food ingredient that is easy to find. There are various types of noodles, from egg noodles, vermicelli, vermicelli, kwetiau and many more. Noodles are a food product made from vegetable protein flour.
From the past until now, noodles are still a favorite of many people. Noodles were first made by Chinese people in the 6th century, called Shui Yin Bing , which means boiled noodles. The main noodle dough is made from wheat flour which is soaked in water, then formed into long rolls and cooked in hot water. Noodles are a food menu that never goes out of use.
About 40% of wheat consumption in Asian countries is in the form of noodles and accounts for more than 12% of total wheat production worldwide. Noodles are a food product that is very popular with Indonesian people. Survey results show that 64% of Indonesians like fried noodle dishes and 36% like noodle soup. Despite this, noodle soup is still one of the dishes that is popular with Indonesian people.
Stoichiometry is a branch of chemistry that discusses the quantitative relationship between reagents (reactants) and products (reaction products) in a chemical reaction. Reactants are substances involved in chemical reactions, while products are substances produced through chemical reactions.
A stoichiometric reaction is a chemical reaction in which there are no remaining reactants or all the reactants have finished reacting to become products. Meanwhile, a non-stoichiometric reaction is a reaction in which one of the reactants remains or has not finished reacting and mixing with the product formed. The principle of a stoichiometric reaction is a reaction where theoretically the number of moles of reactant is equal to the number of moles of product. Mole is a unit term for chemical substances. Apart from that, this stoichiometric reaction is also related to equilibrium in chemical reactions. Where, in achieving the stability of the product produced, it is certainly influenced by several factors such as.
Noodle soup first appeared during the Song Dynasty between 960-1279. At that time, noodle soup was not only an instant food, but was also popular among the people. Many shops and restaurants sell noodle soup as their main dish. In 1958, after Japan suffered defeat in World War II. Entrepreneur Ando Momofuko first innovated instant ramen to overcome the food crisis in Japan.
The appearance of noodles in Indonesia occurred around the 19th century, introduced by the Dutch colony. Initially, noodles were brought to Indonesia by Chinese traders who lived in Dutch colonies. Noodles used to be considered an upper class food because the price was quite expensive and only acceptable to the elite. As time progressed, noodles began to be popular with Indonesian people. Currently, noodles have even become a popular food throughout Indonesia and are an important part of the typical Indonesian food menu.