You're Not The Only One Feeling Doubtful!

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Uncertainty is a dilemma: the more uncertain you are, the less likely you’re willing to put effort and time into building or starting anything.

When you’re doubtful about whether the things you’re putting effort into will be adequately rewarding, you’re way less likely to keep on going.

You might think my message is to have faith and stop worrying—it’s not!

Uncertainty is an integral part of our everyday lives. Not only are you uncertain whether the seeds you plant will be fruitful, but you’re also uncertain if you’ll still be alive in an hour.

I don’t mean to terrify you in any way, but that’s the solid truth.

My point is: we have to accept and even embrace uncertainty in our lives. We have to care more about our process and care less about the results.

I came across a great quote that says: “Every great founder felt doubt at some point, but they kept going anyway.”

It’s okay to feel doubtful—it’s just never okay to let doubt stop you from pursuing your dreams.

Another thing is, it’s not necessary to reap the fruits of plants you kept watering in the same direction you desired.

A good example is, even though I did my best to succeed as a realtor, I didn’t. Still, as a result, I became a good salesman & communicator, which helped me succeed in many other fields.

Putting in enough effort and time doesn’t guarantee results, but not doing so certainly guarantees not getting the results you’re seeking.

If I were to sum it up in one sentence, I’d say: keep going even if you’re doubtful, and worry more about the process and less about the results.

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