To me this is ultimate wealth:


I do not expect you to agree with me on this, but a part of it has to do with the fact that I'm still young! I mean in a positive way.

After a couple of days, I'll turn 24, and even though I believe that age is just a number and that a lot of people who are in their 60s or even 70s could be healthier than myself, especially if they're non-smokers!

I feel the wealthiest on days where I have an awesome workout, especially one that is followed by a quick swim in the swimming pool.

At some points of my life, I've felt I'm the most unhealthy person alive, because even though I'm young, I've picked up the worst habit of all at a very young age: smoking.
Days when I started coughing the moment I woke up, and days when I felt exhausted after walking for a short while.

At some point, I've decided that that's enough, and I started working out about three years ago.

Now I feel the wealthiest knowing that I first have decent freedom of time that allows me to work out for 4+ hours a day.

I feel the wealthiest knowing that among all the things money could buy, you still can neither buy good health nor a good body shape!

As opposed to the moments I felt when I was an idle smoker, I feel and enjoy how good it is to have good health, especially while running and swimming.

To me, the wealthiest is who has good health and freedom of time to enjoy it.


The Frost - translated by Bruce Lee

(first found in "Tzu Yeh's Songs". Tzu-Yeh also known as Lady Night or Lady Midnight, is a 4th-century Chinese poet who worked as a courtesan or "sing-song" girl in Jiangnan during the Jin Dynasty. She is known for her "Tzu Yeh songs," a collection of 117 short poems that are vivid, sharp, and sensual in tone.)

Young man,
Seize every minute
Of your time.

The days fly by;
Ere long you too
Will grow old.

If you believe me not,
See there, in the courtyard,
How the frost
Glitters white and cold and cruel
On the grass that once was green.

Do you not see
That you and I
Are as the branches
Of one tree?

With your rejoicing,
Comes my laughter;
With your sadness
Start my tears.

Could life be otherwise
With you and me?


Absolutely amazing. I love it and I pinned it into Google Keep so it can serve as a reminder to me 👌
