It's Easy To Drown In Regret, Difficult Not To


Each one of us has their own regrets, maybe it's a relationship, a better financial position, or missed opportunities. If we all reflected on our past experiences, we could write down a thousand things that we regret, but would that change anything? I doubt.

I recently realized that I tend to think regretfully, like saying if I had done this, I wouldn't have been here now; If I had taken this job, if I did or didn't do so, I would've been somewhere better. But that's an absolute waste of time, as long as we can't bring back time, and we never can.

I decided that whenever I find myself gravitating toward regretful thoughts I'd say to myself: "What's done is done", as simple as it sounds, this has helped me save a lot of time and emotions I would've spent regretting past events.

I believe we're here to learn, and that the only loss is not learning from our past mistakes, as long as we learn the lesson, there isn't anything to regret.

That's a reminder to be a bit kind to yourself, accept that you didn't know better before and that you're not perfect; in fact, no one is- we're all here still learning. Forgive yourself to be able to flourish.

Hope this was helpful in any way, and I wish you the best of luck.
