If You're Feeling Lost, That's Good!


I understand we all might have this feeling often that we're lost, we're not quite sure about what's going to be our next step or where do we even want to go.

If you feel lost often, you're on the right track; it means you take your life seriously, and I assure you, most people don't. Feeling lost doesn't necessarily mean you're in a bad postion, but it could mean you believe you deserve more, or that you're capable of doing better.

Feeling lost was probably the reason behind every success story. Every great person at some point had to ask himself: what do I really want to do with my life? This isn't a question that can be answered only once, I believe at every phase of our life our priorities change, at first it's making more money eventually it could be spending quality time with the family.

I think maybe before the mass media your career felt more like a destiny, like this is my family's business and I'll keep doing it till I die. Today, it's much easier to start all over, to wake up tomorrow and say I'm done with what I'm doing, I'm going to start learning a new skill that I like more and I'll do a career shift.

What I wanted to say was: feeling lost is okay, it prepares you for being a better version of yourself, lead you to reflect on your life more and see what needs to be done to live a happier life.

If you still feel lost often, you haven't given up on yourself, you're still looking around for opportunities to improve.
