The Garden files 05 - sand sculpture


This is the last in this series of sculptures I made in my friend's garden. It was nice to make these pieces because it was very relaxing for me. Just two days per sculpture and I knew that whatever I made it would be appreciated by my audience. I had lots of cups of tea and chats while working and overall it was a very fun environment.

Jim, my radiologist friend loves the arts and has a great collection. I did find it a pity that all the sculptures I made for him were just child-friendly and had no deep meaning to them especially since he likes what I would class as higher art so much. But my audience was his children and making them happy was my goal. Hopefully, soon we will work on a bigger project together where I can let my hair down and create pieces with more meaning. For now, this is the series till now.

Here is a sculpture I made for them in 2015 when his children were still small. It is not high art, just a fun little elvish Queen with her doggy. The children had asked me to make something about their dog and someone else suggested an elf so here is what I came up with.

It had a definite vibe of The Neverending Story about it although I just carved it from my imagination, taking the sand for a walk.

The sand was quite coarse but I was happy with the details I could get out of it.

The photos I have were shot with a phone so were not that great but at least I have them. They all have a distinct blue tinge near the top which I couldn't fix in editing without making it look worse. But there you go.

For two days including barrowing more sand and compacting it wasn't too bad. The dog worked out cute enough to had some resemblance to their dog.

I'll have some newer sculptures for you soon and hopefully, with things calm at home I will have more time to post in 2024. Last year was very difficult for me. Even though I wanted to make more posts than I did I just never had the energy or the time to sit down and write. One of my resolutions for this year is to make the time, as I realise it is good for me to have this creative outlet now I have had to cut back on art jobs to just be home and take care of my wife and son. Wishing you all a happy new year and let's make Hive the front page of the internet.
