Snow White - Snow/ ice sculpture


I shared this snow and ice sculpture just after I made it in 2017 but I wanted to share it again because it is next on my list of sculptures to document.

The original post has all that you need to know so you can read that here. It did have lots of spelling mistakes and grammar issues as I didn't have my Grammarly copilot guiding me so I am using this moment as an opportunity to edit it.

The post got $0.69 at the time which I was slightly disappointed with but that is the nature of the game here on Hive and 7 years later I am still here posting.

The sculpture was in an unusual place located in Europe's biggest fairground. That is Europa Park Germany. They had built a big freezer inside a bullfighting arena.

I worked along with Killian Ver Der Velden and this is how we started out.

After Two days of shifting Ice and snow around to a final composition we split up and I let Killian do the figures while I started to make a log cabin. The theme was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

There was a lot of chainsaw work for me as I tried to make the fairy tale structure.

I used ice for windows but to be honest I was enjoying making carpentry with snow.

For my last day, I worked on making a table and chairs and got help from my friends Wilfred Stijger and Jeroen Van der Vlag to set the table.

Being the at the center of the exhibition other elements were brought in to fill it up thins like this cut elephant by Ludo Roders made no sense in the scene but I had to grin and bear it.

I think the whole scene looked really nice with the contrast between delicate Killian's figures and my chunky architecture.

After we left they would light it and spray the ground surface with clean snow.

As I said for a full recounting of this tale please read the original post here. This is just a teaser.


Thanks for reading. I use PeakD to document my work as an ephemeral Sculptor of sand, snow and ice, amongst other things. This will hopefully give it a new life on the Hive Blockchain.

I hope you'll join me again soon

I am also starting to create NFTs of my sculptures and welcome you to my gallery where you can own a bit of ephemeral sculpture history.


69 cents! Ah, the good old days! I must confess I remember this one from first time 'round.....which doesn't make it any less wonderful


Yes .69 cents was what I was getting in the early days but I'm glad it didn't put me off.


You must be a very creative person for you to be making sculptures
This looks really fantastic and beautiful
Such a great job!


Thank you very much. I have been very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with these materials. They are great fun and very freeing as an artist.


I remember telling people who were disappointed with their post rewards that whatever they got was probably more than they would get at most other socnets :D

Anyway I'm glad you reposted it as I didn't see it the first time :)
