Planting fruit trees - Garden


I think it is time I started getting my garden organised for the future. I am in a lucky position in that I have a pretty large garden with some established plants and space to do other things.

There is a lot of grass and all that gives me is the stress of cutting it before the whole place starts looking like the Adams Family. I want to, bit by bit start growing my own vegetables. It is more for health reasons and in case the world keeps going the way the empire is pushing it than the necessity we had when I was young. I think Covid taught a lot of us that we don't know what tomorrow will bring and with news of so many wars kicking off being a bit self-sufficient can only be a good thing. I am not planning on becoming a full-time prepper with a fallout shelter in the garden and an arsenal of weapons but the thought of having fresh-picked carrots or apples is an attainable dream.

We already have herbs, Rubard, and tomatoes thanks to my wife using our greenhouse over the summer but I want to make some raised beds for cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and all the good stuff.


We also have a cooking apple tree which has gone wild, I will do some pruning on that the next day I have free and I have time to Youtube how to do it.

This apple tree produces good fruit. More than we use, Last summer I filled a basket and left it outside my gate with a note. 'Free apple pie, just add pie.' but I want Sweet apples to pick and eat. Last week I visited a garden center where I was buying plants for another job and I asked if he did apple trees. Very kindly he gave me one for free and asked if I also wanted a plum tree. I was elated, free stuff is always good.


He said this apple is perfect for my son to pick and eat and also good if I want to try and make some cider.


The Plum was a bonus. Plum wine anyone?

Yesterday, Just before it rained again I made Fintan and Clodagh join me in the garden for planting. It was cold but a nice bit of exercise for all of us. I had cleared a rosemary bush that had gotten out of hand and in its place we would put the apple.


I have a friend who had chickens until last week when a fox broke in and ate them all. Luckily, she still had some chicken shit which we mixed in with some compost and soil to give the trees a nice start.


Fintan got digging a big hole while I had a cup of tea. This was then filled with the chicken poop mix.


Although the trees are quite small, About as tall as Fintan, I hope that this summer we may get some sort of fruit, and then my son will have food for free forever.


Although the garden looks like a mess at the moment, I hope that this coming summer I can turn it into a little paradise. I will keep you posted.


I can’t wait to see all of those plants grow
Your garden will look very beautiful
Nice one!


Hopefully, by the end of summer, I will have the whole place in shape and have nice salads. It is still too cold and wet to do much at the moment.


Greta job! Looking forward to how this will develop. I recently moved house ( from li'l city apartment to house with 1 hectare garden. The garden is full of brambles and semi destroyed by wild pigs, who visit at night/ early morning but it sure has potential and although I am renting for half a year/ hopefully longer, Spring has started super early here and I'm looking forward to turning this into a food/ herbs/ tea plants garden in the coming months.


I love our new house. Hopefully, you can stay there a bit longer and see all the seasons of the garden and see the fruits of your labour. Lots of brambles here also. When it gets a bit warmer and daylight allows I will tackle it after work.

The patch to the left of the trees will be raised beds. The soil is not great and leaning down is a young man's game.


That's a fantastic size for a city garden. You could feed the whole neighbourhood. I'm quite amazed at the number of people I know who have taken to growing their own food. Perhaps we're the ones who can read the writing on the wall. Of course, many of my friends think I'm crazy breaking my back growing stuff they can buy in Lidl for a few pence.


I am very lucky that my father built our family home with a large garden surrounding the house when this area of Dublin was still in the country. Now of course we are surrounded by apartments and houses. I plan lots of things for the garden including a Studio Workshop and maybe even a pond. Can't wait for the summer.
