Something In The Wind...

"Good day, Miss; Mr. Jones will soon attend to you," I politely told the new P.A. to my boss, Mr. Jones, as I continued to flip through the files on the table, creating and making reports.

I would occasionally steal a glance at the new lady, as she was extremely beautiful—just like Mr Jones likes them—chubby, cute, eloquent, and smart, and every time our eyes met, she wore a very charming smile, and I reciprocated.

The company's telephone began to buzz. "Hello, sir." I took the call. "Tell the Miss to see me in my office," Mr. Jones ordered, and immediately I hung up the call. I looked toward the beautiful lady. "Miss, you may go in now." She stood up, and then I realized she was tall too. "She's a complete package," I whispered.

A few minutes later, the Miss walked graciously into Mr. Jones's office, and then I realized I had forgotten to ask for her name. "Oh, not again; I got carried away by her beauty," I soliloquized.

After about 30 minutes, she came out of Mr. Jones' office. "Thank you; I will be officially resuming tomorrow," she said in a very light tone. "Oh, congratulations on your new appointment, so what's your name?" I asked her, fixing my gaze on her. She wore a smile. "Ibinabo,"
and then she added, "It's a pleasure to meet you."


"Same here; see you tomorrow." I bade her a farewell and honestly in my heart of hearts I think I fell for that charming lady, I kept accompanying her with my eyes until the blabbermouth in the office walked in "Mark, why are you staring at the new lady like that? Are you in love already?" Chummy asked me, almost sticking her head into my face.

"Haha, in love, you said? Is that how easy it is to fall in love with a stranger? Well, I was just admiring her, and that's all. Can you get back to work?" I managed to convince her so that I could have a breath of fresh air, as she would begin to choke me with a series of questions if I didn't direct her attention somewhere else.

"Hmmm, well, if you like her, shoot your shot, ooh," she said as she walked into her office.

Ibinabo resumed work the next day, looking so classy that I almost didn't recognize her.

"Good morning, Miss Ibinabo. You look stunning. May I take you to your new office?" I politely requested as we both walked into her new office, which was well-furnished and cosy for her kind of person.

"Thank you. Erm, I forgot to ask your name too." Ibinabo managed to reciprocate my kind gesture.

"Mark, that's my name; feel free to ask me questions where you feel lost, okay?" I patted her on the shoulder and walked out.

There she was again. Chummy was eavesdropping, and as soon as I opened the doorknob, she gave me a wink and held me by the hand. "Loverboy!"

"Stop it." I decided to clear the air before she began to spread the gospel that there was something in the wind between me and Ibinabo.

"Hey, Chummy I am just being a nice guy, okay?"

Weeks turned into months, and now I could feel deep down that what I felt for Ibianbo wasn't a crush anymore; it was something stronger. I thought of tendering my resignation letter so as not to break the company's rule about dating when Chummy walked into my office that evening.

"Mark, did you notice that there's something in the wind?" Standing at Akimbo Chummy asked me pointing at the walkway through my window, and before I could say a word, I saw Ibinabo and Mr.Jones with all their smiles, holding hands like love birds.


My heart shattered in two as I could feel it in the air that those two were in a relationship. "Is that it?" I managed to wear a straight face and replied Chummy, as soon as the love birds walked past the walkway.

"Yes, they are dating now," Chummy dropped the hard-to-receive message that left me almost teary. "I wasn't smart enough, "I whispered, and suddenly I began to feel some kind of anger toward my boss for stealing the lady I had made plans to be with for the rest of my life.

Two weeks later, I tendered my resignation letter as it was killing me to see Ibinabo and Mr Jones having such a great connection aside from work ethics, and then I learned a hard lesson to always tell anyone how I felt before it was too late. "Nice guy in the mud," I whispered as I packed my bags and left the Blossom Trust Fund Company.

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 178 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


How ugly to find out in that way that the person you like is already dating someone, and the worst thing is that someone is your boss. A sad and frustrating ending to this story.


Ouch. That ending hurt me too. My heart sank just like Marks. Well, lesson learned for me too. Your writing is amazing and you sure know how to keep your reader glued. Well done.

That office gossip Chummy, I like the character. Hehe.


Haha, Chummy was really a handful, thank you for your time on my blog.


What a sad ending!
There’s a reason for everything, like what if you’d asked and she rejects you? And later be with your boss?
However, it’s better to try than not trying at all😊.
Nice story dear, well done.


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LEO Power Up Day - October 15, 2023

Poor Mark was so sadly disappointed—he lost both his hopes and his job. Vey heartbreaking result for Mark.

You’ve done a good job of the dialogue between Chummy and Mark—it adds ambience and backstory.
Do take note of words in your text that should not be capitalised—like akimbo.


Many times the lack of decision and insecurity make us miss out on enjoying wonderful moments and people, unfortunately the protagonist had to lose his beloved for not reacting in time. The story is very interesting.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.


😄 what! Dude was willing to resign before even asking Ibinabo out. How lame of Mark. Haha.

Interesting read, and you messed with my imagination too by telling of a Miss Ibinabo while putting up a picture of a foreigner. Pictures are meant to help with the imaginative process right? I recognise that her name is native to Nigeria. It is right?
