UNITY: A Concept Too Hard To Get... Blockchain Weekly Prompt
Hello everyone, this is my entry peom for this week's prompt "UNITY". To take part in the contest, take a look at the announcement post HERE
Unity, a concept desired by the whole universe
But in principle it is a hard and scarce commodity
With some earnestly yearning for it
While others call it a bluff
Wars and persistence pervade the earth
Turmoil diseases and deaths
A feature occurrence in our today's world
Oh what a world we now live in
The maker gave us a peaceful world
Where man of whatever colours
Or race will cohabit in unity
In love and harmony
Animals of all kinds
Cohabit with each other
No prey or foe
All live in unity and harmony
Man has evaded unity
Building weapons and armoury
To show strength and might
And thus scare away unity
Will there ever be peace on earth
Will men of all races cohabit
In unity and harmony
Will all mortals embrace peace?
The world is gradually
Coming to an end!
And unity will never be seen anymore
Do you agree with this?
I do!
You do!!
I don't!!!
You don't!!!
Good one and a very impressive exposition.
Unity is lost and still out of found in 60% of dealings in human race.
Yeah, unity is a scarce commodity. We all yearn for it now. Thanks for your comment.
Bueno déjame decirte. Tu presentación a través de esescrito me pare ce interesante para hacer sinergia. Amigo mío siempre los cuerdos nos preguntamos por la unidad del hombre y por la paz y esto pareciera una quimera, una utopía. Creo de mi parte que la unidad y la paz van de la mano. Si no hay paz no habrá unidad. Siempre una unidad aparente ante ciertos acontecimientos y esta nos sirve para tomar con firmeza ciertos acuerdos desde lo humano, desde lo sensible. Estoy convencido que algún día habrá paz y por causa y efecto nacerá ese equilibrio de lo humano que llamamos paz. Cuándo será? No sé. La visda según mi concepto es continuada. Nacemos, desencarnamos y volvemos a nacer.
No es nariz, es "no sé"
En esto estoy bastante de acuerdo. Y eso es lo que le falta al mundo de hoy. Gracias por pasarte amigo. Te lo agradezco.
Thank you very much. I appreciate.
You've received an upvote from the Blockchain Poets account. Thank you for submitting your poem to our community!
Wow, thanks too for the encouragement.