RE: Putin(Russia): Behind The Veil of War Through The First Official Interview With The Russian Leader Since The War Started


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No, that's not why the whole thing started. That is just what Putin told you. And apparently you just assume he is telling the truth, because after all, why would he possibly lie? Has the ring of a similar answer from Trump on the same topic, doesn't it?

Does it really make sense to you, this argument that it was a concern about nuclear missiles that caused Putin to invade Ukraine? Give what I assume is a normal understanding of military armament possessed by the US and by Russia, does this really make sense to you?


What’s your take then on all the matters you are asking me as if I ever mentioned in this post that I agree entirely with Putin?

I am quite hard to fool, you should know… I called the pandemic a scam since day one, never wore a mask or took any vaccine.

There would have been no war if there would have been no talks regarding a potential integration of Ukraine in NATO. Will make a more detailed post on this matter a bit later.
