Second Month, I am ready


Time flies so fast isn't it, do you realized that now we are already in the second month of this 2025? I still feel like we are just started the new year, and we are still on the first month, but apparently I am wrong, I am dead wrong, because the fact that this is the second month, has hurt my feeling that we are actually just start the new year.

How about the goal that all of you has started when the end of the year, and the new year are approaching? how far has you followed all the plans and the idea to make the resolution work? For me, the first month is kinda a failure, not like what I have imagined and expected.


Mostly because there are just a lot of other factors that contributes to this failure (the nature of humans to find the scape goat for its own failure). yeah, life gets int he way a lot harder in the first month of this year, a lot harder than I imagined. so that I had two long break on the first month alone, in my search to be active everyday, and make a post everyday.

I hope that February will be a lot nicer to me. And also because the days are shorter in February, I hope that I can fill all the days with a post here in the community and Hive in general so that I still can follow my resolution. Fingers crossed.
