Charlotte's Dilemma


“Charlotte,” The calm and collected voice said. “Sorry but the job has been given to someone more qualified. You've lost your chance.”

There was an oppressive pause. Then Charlotte spoke. There was a hint in her soprano voice that indicated she was close to tears.

“Please sir give me another chance. What happened back at the restaurant was a mistake. How could I have known you were my future employer? Please sir…”

Mr. Hall cut her off abruptly.

“Sorry young lady but I've made my decision and I stand by that. Sorry.”

The tears were rolling down Charlotte's cheeks freely now. She was saying:

“Sir! please! I desperately need this job to take care of my ailing family. Please sir give me another chance…”

“Sorry but no. Good day young lady.”

Charlotte heard the phone click. She was blinded by hot tears.

The full gravity of her situation dawned on her and she broke down on her bed with it's immaculate white linen and wept freely.

Some hours later she paid a visit to Olivia her closest friend. Olivia's family lived in a huge mansion that had all the comforts of a modern home and more. Even the doors there were automated. The two girls sat in the spacious living room. The immaculate white cushions felt silky and comfortable. The living room was air-conditioned. The full HD TV was flashing colorful images. Olivia offered her friend a glass of white foamy wine and both sat down to discuss. From her contorted and dreary countenance, Olivia had already guessed the situation.

“How'd it go old girl?”

No reply. A tear rolled down the cheek of Charlotte and she wiped it calmly with a blue silk handkerchief. Her hands were shaking. Olivia held her hand and tried to soothe her friend.

“Just tell me.” She said.

“Well, I won't bore you with the details, I don't like to think about them.”

“Just tell me.”

“Well I lost the job.”

“How what happened?” Olivia fixed her friend a startled gaze.

“I was at the restaurant to get some food. So a man walked up and wanted to stand behind me. He said he had left the line to to attend to an important issue. Of course I refused. Others standing in the line begged me to allow the man. The man said he had to be quick to make it back to his office so he could take his drugs.”

“So what happened after that?”

Charlotte sniffled lightly and wiped her eyes.

“Well he went to the back of the line. Hours later I received a call that told me I had lost the job opportunity. It was the CEO whose number you gave me. He recounted the story at the restaurant and told me my behavior towards him had disqualified me from the job. He said he couldn't work with people who were that inconsiderate of others not even if they were overqualified for the position.”

Olivia's mouth was a little agape. Then she rose and walked across the living room and refilled the slender glasses with more wine and came back to the cushion. She held her friend's hands in hers. It felt warm.

“I wouldn't venture to blame you for what transpired at the restaurant. But I'd be telling a white lie to say you didn't do wrong. Come on dear, you could have allowed the man get in the line behind you. He had a medical situation for God's sake…”

“I was having a bad day that's all. You of all people should know me.”

“Ok.” A pause. “Well, I will write you a check for your mum's hospital bills and we can begin to look elsewhere for another job. My dad pulled a lot of strings to get this opportunity you just squandered.”

“It's not entirely my fault.”

Charlotte sounded like Adam when God said to him what has thou done?

Olivia didn't reply. An aura of calm retrospection rested on her beautiful countenance. Presently, she rose from the sofa.

“Well. We will see where we go from here. More wine?”

Charlotte replied with a simple shake of the head.

“Join me at the dinning table then. My family's gone on a trip and I'm alone here. You presence means a lot.”

Two afternoons after Charlotte had visited Olivia, Olivia sat in Mr Hall's comfortable office. The air-conditioner was on and the fan was buzzing down fresh air on her. While waiting for Mr Hall, she took out her smartphone and scrolled down the screen. Henry had sent an email telling her to remember their date on Saturday night. Abigail's lips broadened into a smile. Dear Henry.

"Don't worry honey. Soon we will be married and you can have me all to yourself.”

She muttered under her breath. There was also a message from the support group she had recently joined to overcome her alcohol addiction.

The door opened presently and Mr Hall walked in. His navy blue suit seemed to catch the light on it. When he saw Olivia his handsome facial features stretched in a smile.

“How are you sweetheart?”

He asked in his booming baritone as he sat down at his desk.

“Fine.” Olivia smiled back weakly.

“Dad and mum and Lucas?”

“Fine too.”

“Ok. I have to attend to your matter as soon as possible. We have a board meeting by 2pm.”

Olivia shifted on her seat, cleared her throat and leaned forward a little.

“It's about my friend. The one we agreed you would give the vacant job position to.”

“What about her?”

“Can you please reconsider? I mean she desperately needs this job for a number of reasons.”

At this moment Mr Hall's face looked like that of a Reverend minister addressing people at a funeral. He interlocked his fingers and gently rested them on the table in front of him while gazing at Olivia's face.

“Sorry dear I can't. I will talk to your dad later about that. The position I wanted to give to the young lady is one that requires an important leadership quality which is empathy. She clearly lacks empathy, so…no. My organization thrives on having leaders who can understand others, empathize with them, and treat them with the utmost respect. She doesn't fit that profile.”

Mr Hall paused. He then said:

“By the way, everything that happened at the restaurant was planned by me.”


Shock was visible on Olivia's face.

“Yes.” Mr Hall continued unperturbed. “I planned everything to test her and she failed badly"

Olivia was silent for sometime. She was groping for words. She finally said:

“I know it took a lot for the vacancy to happen but do you think she can employ her in some other capacity in your organization?”

Mr Hall fiddled with the blue ballpoint pen on the table.

“Well…for now, no. But maybe later. Or I can find your friend another job opportunity. But not just in my company.”

“Ok.” Olivia said, not wanting to waste his time. “Thanks for all you've done.”

“Thanks dear. Extend my regards to dad and mum.”


Olivia was already at the door.
