Worldbuilding Prompt #841 - The Dinosaur Dig


This post was inspired by a writing prompt in the Worldbuilding community - Worldbuilding Prompt #841 - Fossils.

Enjoy !

Image created by AI in NightCafe Studio

Professor Johnson looked around at his palaeontology students. His expression was a mix of pride, triumph and satisfaction as he observed the expectant faces.

In a paternal tone, he announced, "It's taken us a fortnight to get here, the richest dinosaur fossil bed in the Gobi Desert. It hasn't been an easy journey, but we're here and you should be honoured to be part of this expedition."

Raising his hammer and chisel, he tapped at the edge of the rock outcrop, years of experience telling him exactly where and how hard to strike.

"Fossils literally fall out of the ground here. As I open up this Tertiary top layer, you'll see it should come away in a single sheet and with any luck we'll have our first dinosaur fossil. The science of palaeontology has come a long way in the last decade, and I'd like to say that I've played no small part in that. We may get an occasional refinement or small surprise, but I'm confident the overall taxonomy and temporal sequence are now well understood. We've come a very, very long way from the primitive idea that fossil dinosaurs were the bones of dragons."

There was a smattering of applause from the half-circle of students.

As Professor Johnson tapped around the rock, he beckoned Ralph Symonds forward. His most promising student, although given to occasionally questioning things that were considered set in stone.

"When I give the sign, lift that far end up, then we'll shift the over-layer off to the right."

Symonds nodded and moved into position ready. There was a subtle cracking sound, and Johnson nodded to indicate that they should lift the rock.

As it lifted, the Professor peered underneath, and a smile of satisfaction spread on his face.

"It looks like we've got ourselves a theropod. A big one. Perhaps even a tarbosaurus."

From Symond's end of the rock, there was a noise indicating that he wanted the Professor's attention. The student looked up from beneath the large slab of rock with an expression full of confusion and concern.

"Ummm, professor... I need your help. I don't understand what I'm seeing here. We've only revealed the skull and a bit of the upper body, but there's something really strange going on in the shoulder area."

Johnson looked over, an impatient look crossing his features. "Come on, come on, let's get this rock off and see what we've got."

The heaved the rock over to the side and studied what was revealed. The skull certainly looked like a tarbosaurus, just as big but maybe a little longer and more graceful. But the shoulder blade was certainly all wrong. It had two sockets instead of the one it should have had. One for the small forearm, which was perfectly normal. But the other was at the back, and next to it was the fossil of a long, strong but slender bone jutting out at an angle.

The Professor's face fell in distress as he realised his life's work was in ruins, as voice came from the back of the group.

"Professor, this isn't a dinosaur fossil. It's dragon bones !"
