The Two hit Combo ~ Cassidy And Symmetra | 35 Kills With Over 14K Damage With Vishkar's Genius
Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well today.
The upper leagues' favorite damage character is the true menace to every tank and support in this wild man from the Wild West. I have been playing/training with him from the beginning which is how I got good at it. It also reflects the player's baser instinct as he/she hitscans their prey the moment it shows itself.
Today, I will share a battle with you guys a battle that was extremely fun to play with on my second account. This was in the Platinum 3 lobby but the game sometimes does not show to the PS players but when I switch to PC, the game shows exactly which rank and position I play at instantly. Regardless, this battle was very intense and I made a ton of kills with my 2 favorite characters.
Symmetra is a character best suited for holding down a place. As her share laser beam cuts her opponents, her bots also do the same which further increases her damage multiplier. This character is best for players who know what they're doing with their abilities and can handle being at the center of attention of the enemy team without dying. Fortunately, I know how to do both!
Since Cassidy was not working against the enemy team, I switched to the Queen of Tech, The Beautiful Symmetra.
The next important thing was to take out their support. Once that was off, his tank ould have no choice but to back off. And that worked!
And of course, I ended up with the play of the game. The most important thing was that no negative comments were exchanged between the teams however one guy was sad that he got carried by his teammate.
Video Gameplay
Thank you for reading this far, see you legends on the next one!
Love the way the shot gun bounced, this game is really fun to watch but I bet it will be hard to play
True that brother. Especially when you are in the upper leagues, you peek once and bang, a headshot that would take away 40% of your HP. I am currently in master leagues and that phenomenon is very common here to the point that everyone just does 1v1 and rarely requires healing.
This game is downloadable in pc or can I use it on my mobile
Available only on consoles and pc/laptop I’m afraid.
Aiit i got you