No Turning Back ~ The Walking Dead | Episode 5 Season 1


Hello gamers of the wonderful community.

I hope you all are doing A-ok today. After a long period of rest, I came back to the realms of the writers, the dawn of art in inscribed fashion.


(Generated pictures may not be re-generated again).


Today, I shall show you guys my progress in this last episode of the Walking Dead’s season 1. There is a lot of actions that will determine the events in the next season. So, buckle up for you guys are about to delve into the journey of people that may not return.

Just a short reminder for you guys, if you are like me who likes to skim or skip reading long paragraphs, just head to the bottom of the post for a very short summary and watch the action filled gameplay!


The episode starts off with a little prologue where they do a quick 20s recap of all the major events from the first episode the 4th.


Then we get the the part where Lee is asked by the abductor of Clementine as the zombies in the area slowly gather over to their location, under the sewers.

With time running out of their hands, they just find a way out. Omid and Ben rushed for the door while Christa was ready to shoot any zombie that might get through the door. Lee was on to find a way to get out of the vault.

Lee searched the place and found a car jack(rib spreader).


He went to the end of the vault where their only door to freedom was shut closed. He put the jack onto the door and the door was opening but suddenly Lee’s vision became narrow to the point that he almost fell to the floor.

Christa and Ben saw his collapse and brought him to the stretcher. Moments later, Lee’s consciousness was back. There he found the other three discuss about Lee’s hand; should they cut it off Lee might live if not longer.

Its’s Choosing Time


Lee thought about it for a second and through to himself, did he really want to cut it off as it could be a life changer for him or keep it and face his end with his body in one piece.

Lee decides to cut it off, the game itself told me that it was going to hurt… the process is quite gruesome and filled with gore.


Christa did the cutting as Lee held on for dear life. From all that blood loss, he fainted. When he came to, he was aided with bandages and his blood drip had stopped.


They opened the elevator shaft and climbed up through the ladder, all the way to the top. Quite a climb for a recently cripple guy.


One look down to the streets and they knew that they had to get out of the place, the city and find the scared little girl. They fanned out looking for a way to head down. Lee came up to the middle of the place and found a paint spill.


He took the ladder and made it a path for the bell tower.

Lee wanted to go first since he was a dead man walking.


He climbed the ladder but just after going to the middle, the ladder was shaking. Lee made a desperate jump for the clock tower and somehow made it. The ladder fell down and was claimed by the dead.
For the next action, he rang the bell attracting every walker in the city toward it. That way, they could make it safely to the other side of the street with no walkers.

Lee had to be very precise on his jump if he wanted to get out of that place. He took some steps back and made the leap of faith and reached it without needing anyone’s help. From there, they make it back to their safe house.


When they came back, they found Kenny shouting and cursing Vernon at the top of their lungs. Lee came close toward the barred up gate of the garage and inside the place was Kenny only… the boat was stolen. Kenny tells that Vernon and the others were waiting for Lee and the others to head out. That’s when they came in and beat Kenny real good and took the boat.

Lee tried to remind them that Clementine was still missing and they they were going to go after Asher and they out of Savannah. Christa agreed and told that they would avoid the big cities and remain in the countryside where the dead wouldn’t be present. Kenny was still stressing over the boat when Ben told that they could follow Lee.

Kenny wished Ben was dead back at Crawford’s bell tower but Ben had snapped.


He apologised to Kenny for the death of his wife and child but he also had a family, parents and a little sister whom he didn’t even get to meet let alone know if they were dead or alive or worse. Kenny understood and apologised for his rough behaviour.

And, thanks to all this shouting the zombies were attracted toward it. They came in droves and were about to swarm the place. Omid called them to get inside the building.

Lee assigned everyone their roles: Christa would search the house for weapons, Kenny would move the furnitures to block the entrances, Ben would have to kill anything that would get in. Lee was about to assign a task to Omid when a pair of zombies showed up to the front door. Omid dashed for it, Lee called everyone out to help Omid as he himself was going that way but unfortunately a zombie had caught him by the foot through the pet’s door.

Lee freed himself and headed for the door only to find everyone already posted there, trying to close it. Christa asked Lee to find something to cut off the arms that were blocking them from closing it.

Lee went back and searched the kitchen, somehow he found a cleaver in the drawer and rush back to the door.


And from there, it was a “whack-a-zombie” where the satisfaction of chopping of the arms of the zombies was heavenly. The door was closed and Christa proclaimed that the bourse was sturdy, it would withstand the zombies from storming in. Just then the windows cracked open, the door in the back at the kitchen got busted down. Lee told, “Sturdy my ass. Everyone get upstairs”.

Lee and Kenny pushed up the desk that sat just ahead of the staircase as to slow the zombies from reaching them.


Everyone took a stance as they counted their bullets. Lee had 3 shots, Omid had 4, Christa had 3, Ben had 2, and Kenny had 5. Not much chance of them surviving even if they shot all the zombies in the heads.

When they ran out of bullets, Christa reminded everyone that to get to the attic. Lee pulled down the stairs to the attic and they made it there safely.

Omid checked the back window and told that they were 30 feet up with no hope of climbing down.

Everyone was losing their minds. Lee reminded that they try to find a way out but Kenny was focused on Lee. He couldn’t sit idle while they had a bite victim. Kenny called for an open conversation about Lee’s condition, as, according to him they could be looking at a “Larry” situation. Lee asked if it were duck and him, what would Kenny do?

That got Kenny angry to the point that Kenny picked up a statue and threw to the back wall. The wooden wall cracked open. Kenny went closer and easily pulled apart a piece of wood. He exclaimed, “The wall ain’t shit”. Lee took the steel stand and hit the wall, more debris fell over.


Kenny took the stand and gave one a routine for everyone to switch with when one party would be tired to move.

Kenny took the first shift, the next would be Christa, Omid, Ben and then it would be Lee and Kenny and that’s how they would switch up.

Christa was trying her best to comfort Lee while Omid was retaining the seriousness about Lee’s condition.


That’s when Lee asked Christa and Omid to take care of Clementine when the time of his demise would arrive.

Kenny was out of gas and asked one of the well rested people sitting peacefully sitting in the sofa. Omid got up and was on the wall. Kenny asked Christa if Lee had spilled much about their past, Christal told, “Bits and pieces”. Kenny admitted that he himself didn’t have the guts to chop off his arm. He reminisced his past and told that he had lost just as much as anyone there. His head was down but somehow he found a wine bottle. He showed it to himself and drank from it. He offers it to Lee.

Its Choosing Time


Lee chose to accept it. Kenny offered it to Christa, after a little bit of hesitation she quickly took it and chugged it.

Lee told Kenny that he apologised for any pain that he had caused in the past, “it is impossible to go through life and not hurt someone” he said. Kenny told that he himself was also sorry.

Meanwhile, Omid punctured a wide enough hole for the gang to pass through, it was to the master bedroom. Omid gave the GO to the room as he didn’t spot any zombie there.


Once they entered the place, they found the real owners of this bungalow. Dead beside the person they loved the most. Lee said they went out the best way possible: together, on their terms. Kenny told him different, he told that he didn’t do everything he could’ve and would’ve done more. Kenny took the gun off the guy and checked the bullets remaining, only 1 left.

Christa asked everyone to look around for anything useful before heading out.


Lee looked out the window and found hundreds of walkers, as if half of the people in the entire city was there. He went over to the other side of the room and found a balcony that lead to the top of the roof of the adjacent bungalow.


One by one everyone crossed and that made the hinges of the railings weaker. And then came Ben’s turn… as soon as he was as about to jump the railing collapsed and he fell to the ground. Kenny darted for the lad on the street, Lee followed shortly.


Kenny pulled off the debris off of Ben and saw that Ben was impaled on the steel rods. He couldn’t be moved. Walkers were closing in and Lee was long out of bullets.

Kenny looked at Lee dead in the eye and told him to leave him and Ben. There was a little girl that needed saving.

Its Choosing Time


Lee could either agree to Kenny or not.

I choose not to agree since he was a great friend who had been with Lee through thick and thin. Kenny on the other hand pushed Lee over to the safe zone and locked the gates. That way, it was only Kenny and Ben.

Lee went up to the roof where Christa and Omid was. He told that Kenny took out Ben. Ben’s biggest fear was getting eaten by walkers, Kenny didn’t let him suffer as much.

They pushed on going through the roofs of the buildings.

Later that day


They made it to the hotel where Clementine’s parents were staying on.

They came closer to a sign board through which they were going to cross. Lee proclaimed, “One of us has an infected leg and the other is walking for 2”.

Its Choosing Time


Now, either I let them go first or I go first as Lee was already a dead man walking. I chose for Lee to go first.


Slowly but surely he crossed over. Just when he had reached the end, the bridge gave up and fell down. Lee held on to the railings tights with a hand. He told Christa and Omid that he would push on and continue toward the hotel. He commanded Omid and Christa to look for a boat and stay in the north side of the city.


Somehow Lee came down and used his only weapon, the cleaver. The first zombie he killed was a druggie girl. And soon, this walk toward his goal was the shiniest/peak moment in gaming history.

He reached the hotel and walked around the hallway until he found the room he was instructed to be in. He leaned over and listened for potential disturbance inside but all he heard was his over heartbeat.


He enters the room and finds no one…

Sum Up

And that’s it for today. Boy, a lot of people died today, and some I didn’t expect the writers to kill off.p this early. I was very sad when Ben fell to his death and Kenny went along with him. And, as it seems, Lee was also about to give in as death lurked around the corner for him. One of the most saddest part in this series was undoubtedly today’s episode. How easily they fell, one after another yet they were determined to rescue the little girl, the only positive thing in their lives.

Gameplay Video



i like the walking dead to
