Lost Legendaries ~ Stampede ~ Born Again | 2880 Rating At Splinterlands ~ Battle Mage Secrets

Hello, splinter-warriors. I hope you all are doing well today!



Today, I will show you a battle with the most epic ending a player could request. This battle truly reflects how a keen strategy could help you ascend past the league with outcomes you foresee before a battle.

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Before we begin, I must address that I reached Champions III right before the season ended! I had almost made it to Champions II but the players were extremely tough and some even had level 8 summoners... which was insane. I rented a few monsters which is why I had some leftover DEC.

Now, let's begin!


Battle Conditions

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The mana cap is 36 and there are 4 summoners to choose from: Fire, Water, Nature, and Dragon. With this amount of mana, a very good and well-balanced deck could be easily made with either Water or Dragon... but both I and the opposition went with the Fire Summoners. Fire summoner is best for this round since we both were looking for a good melee-based battle.

Battle Rules:-

  • Lost Legendaries: Legendary monsters may not be used in battle.
  • Stampede: The trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled monster is killed.
  • Born Again: All monsters have the Rebirth ability.

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Battle Details

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Let's start from my side:

Summoner: Eternan Brune(Ability: Decrease in shield by 2 for all enemy monsters)(Level 2).

Tank: Venari Marksrat(Ability: Martyr).

Melee Attackers: Chimney Wallstop(Ability: Reach, Bloodlust), Tenyii Striker(Ability: Sneak).

Blocked Attackers: Ferox Defender(Ability: Protect).

Non-Attackers: Scavo Hireling(Ability: Repair), Chaos Agent(Ability: Dodge).

My strategy was to make use of my bloodthirst monster since the battle rules had rebirth in it. That way, should Wallstop get a single, he could continue to get more and more kills as the battle continued and in turn gain more stats. I used Ferox just behind Wallstop simply because I wanted extra protection on Wallstop and did not need its damage. That way, only Wallstop was guaranteed to make contact with the enemy tank so it was merely a matter of time before he would get a kill. I also wanted Walstop to retain its shield, so it used Scavo for restoring the shield. But, I assumed my opposition would use a monster with opportunity and may take out Scavo, so I also used Chaos Agent which had the same HP.

My overall damage per round is 8 with a shield restoration of 2. The damage would increase by 1 should Wallstop get a kill per round.


Now, for the opposition:

Summoner: Tarsa(Ability: Increase in Melee damage and Hp by 1 for all ally monsters)(Level 4).

Tank: Living Lava(Ability: Shield).

Non Attacker: Iidri Fyre(Ability: Taunt).

Melee Attackers: Ferox Defender(Ability: Protect), Uraeus(Ability: Sneak), Serpentine Spy(Ability: Opportunity), Tenyii Striker(Ability: Sneak).

His strategy was to decrease and divide the incoming by a huge margin. Firstly, he diverted all the attention to his non-attacker. Then, he halved the damage that his tank had taken but he ability. Then, he used 2 attackers to damage me from the back and 1 loose attacker that would damage my weakest monster. He used 1 more for 2 extra shields just like I did.

His overall damage was 14 per round.


Major Events

Round 4

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The first monster to permanently far was my Chaos Agent at the start of the 4th round. The damage from the back was too great and he could no longer dodge the attacks.

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Later, the first time Wallstop got the kill and triggered bloodlust.

Round 6

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His monsters finished off my Striker for the second and final time at the start of the 6th round making it a 5 v 4.

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The second monster to permanently fall was my Marksrat as Scavo could no longer hold the damage it took which was a good thing as Wallstop had a damage of 8, HP 10, and speed of 3. So, it turned into a 5 v 3.

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And at the end of the 6th round, Living Lava finally fell for the final time. Thus, the odds were evened by a bit and my overall damage was 9.

Round 9

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My Scavo in the 8th round making it a 5 v 2. But this was just the start of my Wallstop's rampage as his non-attacker fell for the second and final time. That way, *Wallstop's damage was 11 which was 2 less than the opposition.

Round 10

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My Ferox fell while his one stood tall only.

Round 13

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His Ferox fell 3 rounds later with a damage of 12! And bloodlust was triggered again causing yet another surge of stats.

Round 15

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His monsters began to miss their mark and that’s how my monster survived a few turns. And finally, his Uraeus falls for the second and last time after it suffers a damage of 14! This, my overall damage was higher than his for the first time.

Round 17

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His Serpentine Spy was taken out for the second time at the start of the 17th turn. Bloodlust was triggered and Wallstop had a total damage of 17 after this round.

Round 19

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And finally, all his monsters fell and Wallstop had a total damage of 19 by the end of the game which was higher than the pregame combined damage of the monsters.



The game could’ve tilted either way. His monster level was significantly higher than mine thanks to his summoner level.
What tipped the scales was the strategy. His motive was to draw all the damage toward his non-attacker and have his tank take the overall halved damage, which my deck easily countered. My deck was based on the damage of a single unit toward his tank. Moreover, my only source of major damage was the bloodthirsty monster that was directly directed toward his tank. That way, his tank, and every other unit fell after a few rounds.

Battle Link

Battle Link

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

