Beating An Electrifying Tank And Auto Firing Squad With A Colt | Don't Mess With A Cowboy Hat And A Jacket With A Pistol... | 23 Kills With Over 9K Damage
Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well.
Cassidy is a character designed only for cracked people who see actions happen at 1\10 of a second and react accordingly. The minimal amount of bullets and a need for a keen sense of sight make any player undergo an adrenaline rush.
The only problem with this character is that it does not have high mobility. My playstyle requires a lot of mobility, so here, if I am cornered or trapped, my death is assured.
Yesterday, my friends and I finally got into the game after a long time. It had been a few weeks since I played with that character that I always aced at... it wasn't Moira, it was Cassidy—the wild gunslinger from the Wild Wild West. I had games where hitting 30 kills was easy,, I think I'm going to dig out where all those games are. So, after all this time, I wanted to sling a gun once again. The only problem was: I wasn't as good as I used to be.
The arena was at Eichenwalde, the homeland of Reinhardt. It was a huge map with many connections of passage. Therefore, I needed someone whose shots would not drop off and can do 1 shot kills. Cassidy would be perfect.
I only bought the forest ranger skin as it resembled the nature of Cassidy the most. Dihan got his favourite healer Zenyatta. His aim is truly magnificent, that's why he prefers to use its charged focus fire and decimate everyone in his path. With this character, he is more of a damage dealer than a healer. We all saw what he was capable of in the last game I shared.
The game was a wave of chance creations, sometimes I got the better end of the damage, and other times they had me out of the screen like a bat. The match lasted for 8 minutes and 45 seconds. not that of a long battle.
Still, I managed to get 23 kills which was the highest in the lobby with over 9k damage. Dihan had 8k damage which was better than all other damage dealers with a healing of 5k. The supper support Leadge had the highest heal in the lobby.
And of course, yours truly got the Play Of The Game. It was not a surprise to me, I hit some insane shots and followed it up with combos.
You sure as hell went ahead and cleared out the house! Nice plays broh Nice plays!
Yep, bud. I got even better plays with Cassidy which I will be uploading soon.
Thanks a lot! Do you play Overwatch 2? If so, drop your ID.