A Battle In The Clouds ~ Diamond II | Splinterlands X Social Media Challenge

Hello, splinter-warriors. I hope you all are doing well today.



Today, I will share a battle that was well strategized by both parties but the better one came out victorious.

Before we begin, I need to address the voucher payment system for the Wild Section. This is the first time it was introduced and I think it is a good addition. The players are asked to pay a small fee to use the full potential of their deck and truly show that their monster lineup is the best. But, the cost should be a little lower since the entire market(refer to the price) for Splinterlands is down. That way, more amount of people should be okay with the fee since they already paid for the monsters they play with along with the summoners and the packs that they buy, adding in the fee for a battle that is this high is simply ludicrous.

Without further ado, let's begin.


Battle Conditions

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The mana cap is 34 and there are 4 summoners to choose from: Fire, Water, Nature, and Death. With such a decent mana cap, any summoner could be used to make an astounding deck. I went with the Death Summoner and my opposition went with Fire Summoner.

Battle Rules:-

  • Holy Protection: All monsters have the Divine Shield ability.
  • Little Leagues: Only monsters and summoners that cost 4 mana or less may be used in battle.
  • Silenced Summoners: Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any ability.

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Battle Details

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Let's start from my side:

Summoner: Thaddius Brood(Ability: Decrease in HP and Magic Damage by 1 for all opposition monsters.) (Level 5)

Tank: Xenith Monk(Ability: Self-heal).

Non-attacker: Riftwing(Ability: Flying, Scavenge, Backfire).

Magic Attackers: Revealer(Ability: Stun), Life Sapper(Ability: Life Leech), Venari Bonesmith(Ability: Life Leech, Poison).

Melee Attacker: Uraeus(Ability: Sneak, Poison).

My strategy was to deal as much poison damage on the enemy, which is why I used 2 monsters that had poison ability in their arsenal. Next, I used Monk which could self-heal, that way it could stay in the game longer. So, if it went down, Riftwing would get another HP and thus it would have a higher HP than Xenith. Next, I wanted to stop their tank in its tracks, so I used Revealer. He would stun the opposition tank and decrease his overall damage in that round. And lastly, LIfe Sapper was there to do only 1 thing, to steal their tank's HP and increase it's HP to new heights.

The overall damage per round is 8 with a healing of 2. Adding in the poison damage from 2 monsters, it would get to 12 damage per round.


Now for the opposition:

Summoner: Xenith Monk(Ability: Self-heal).

Blocked Melee attacker: Antoid Platoon(Ability: Shield).

Ranged Attacker: Lava Spider(Ability: Sniper), Scavo Firebolt(No Ability), Spark Pixies(Ability: Flying).

Melee Attacker: Serpentine Spy(Ability: Opportunity).

His strategy was superb. He also wanted his tank in the game as much longer as he could. He had a backup tank right behind Monk. He kept all the long-ranged attackers behind the backup and at the end of the deck he used a high-speed melee attacker that would target my weakest link, that way he could thin out my numbers from the middle of the deck and break the structure of the attack pattern.

His overall damage per round is 9 with a healing of 2.

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Major Events

Round 1

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The first guy to fall was his Spy as he gets poison from Uraeus's fangs. Also, his tank also got poisoned.

Round 2

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Next, his tank fell which was immediately replaced by another tank while his other ranged monsters were good to damage.

Round 3

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His second tank fell at the start of the 3rd round thanks to Life Sapper, that way it was a 6 v 2 as his ranged attacker was useless at the front.

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In the end of the 3rd round, his Pixies fell thanks to my Uraeus also also got poisoned in the process. That way, it was truly out of the way.

Round 4

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His monsters managed to get my Monk which did not slow down my other attackers. And at the end of the 4th round, his last monster fell by Revealer.



Moreover, most of his monsters had higher speeds than mine, a huge advantage for him. But, he did not think about having magic attackers on the other side which was his kryptonite. If only I had not used magic attackers, I would've definitely lost. This battle was at the 3300+ rating where both of us were aiming for champions III and then higher, and we gave it our all at strategies.

Battle Link

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