
Every week we are given a challenge, where we consider a certain rule in order to think how to win with that specific rule.

Summoners are an important part to take into account when choosing the alignment we should use and are often the fundamental factor in victory.

For this reason, this rule proposed this week presents us with a very interesting challenge.


Silenced Summoners

With this combat rule we have to think about strategies where the summoner's abilities are not used.

But even though the summoner's skills are silenced, it will help us if we use higher level summoners, skills that are activated at higher levels will be activated, which will help us win.

Therefore we must think about how the abilities of the monsters will help us and how to combine the abilities of the different monsters to make a winning combination.

My Battle


In these battle conditions, in addition to having the summoner's abilities silenced, we also have the EARTHQUAKE ability where at the beginning of each turn 2 points of damage will be done to monsters that do not fly, this tells us either that we should use only creatures that fly or Protect all our cards with a shield and have great attack power to quickly eliminate our enemy.

We also have 32 mana available to make our lineup which is a decent amount of mana available and we can only use the blue, green and dragon cards.

My Team


Although this summoner will not increase the magical attack power in this case, at least at level 3, it will activate several interesting abilities of my monsters.


This monster will be my tank that will be able to withstand magical attacks due to its void ability that reduces the attack and its PHASE ability gives it the chance to dodge magical attacks and also due to its speed of 5 it will have the chance to dodge any attack from the enemy of its cards with lower speed.


This monster will provide me with support and if my enemy has a monster with SNIPE or with CHANCE it will protect the other monsters from an attack and also when it dies it will increase the tank and the card that is in the third position, all its statistics which It will make it more difficult to remove.


This monster has a great attack of 2 which will help eliminate my opponent faster and its AFFICTION ability will be able to neutralize monsters that try to regenerate their tank.


This monster will give 2 shields to all my cards, which will protect them from and attack their cards with a ranged or melee attack, increasing their survival.


This card has flight which would allow it to dodge attacks from enemy monsters that have SNEAK. Additionally, its magic attack of 2 will contribute to being able to eliminate my opponent faster.



In this round I manage to eliminate FAILED SUMMONER but it manages to damage 3 of my monsters and I eliminate MYCELIC MORPHOID.

However, my opponent does not manage to eliminate any of my monsters and of the 3 that could attack my monster, I avoid GARGOYA DEVIL's attack and due to the void ability, neither does FAILED SUMMONER, due to its magical reflex ability, or manage to harm me. QUEEN MYCELIA and only MYCELIC INFANTRY manages to hurt me and leaves it at 8 life.


In this round, damage begins to be dealt due to the EARTHQUAKE ability to all the creatures that do not fly, but mine manage to avoid direct damage due to the shield that VENARI WAVESMITH provided and only SEA GENIE that flies does not receive damage and my enemy that has several monsters with flight but at the cost of not being able to attack since they are monsters with melee attack and does not have any ability that allows it to attack from that position and if damage is dealt to QUEEN MYCELIA and * MYCELIC INFANTRY* who are protected by the shield.

In this turn I cannot eliminate any monster even though everyone succeeds with the attack except VENARI MARKSRAT
The attack does not succeed, although they manage to leave MYCELIC INFANTRY at 1 life.

My opponent again attacks DJINN OSHANNUS but again only manages to hit his MYCELIC INFANTRY attack and the damage received by **EARTHQUAKE ** remains at 3 health.


In this round my enemy manages to eliminate DJINN OSHANNUS and VENARI MARKSRAT but when the latter dies he increases all the characteristics by +1 including a shield to CAPTAIN'S GHOST which protects him from EARTHQUAKE damage the next turn.

I manage to eliminate MYCELIC INFANTRY and leave PELACOR MERCENARY at 4 life

RONDA 4 and 5

In this round 4 due to EARTHQUAKE QUEEN MYCELIA and VENARI WAVESMITH are eliminated

I manage to eliminate PELACORD MERCENARY before he attacks me and my rapporteur manages to get GARGOYA DEVIL's attack right this time and leaves him at 3 life.

Finally in round 5 I manage to eliminate GARGOYA DEVIL before he attacks me.


On this occasion, the shield that my VENARI WAVESMITH gave them was key, which protected them for a turn from the damage of the battle rule EARTHQUAKE, also due to the MARTYR ability of VENARI MARKSRAT. It allowed my VENARI MARKSRAT to survive one more turn and due to the increase in damage it did, I managed to eliminate my opponent with the last attack.
