Activities of the training day


Hello friends, Greeting from me,


Today's i get up early morning,as routine i started my initial work from oral hygiene means mouthwash and bath. After I've ready for my hospital.before leaving room I've clean and tidy my room and go to nearest hotel. I've taken Tea and Samosa in breakfast. Today's not my duty but Today was our classes for national accreditation board for hospital and health care providers so i got hospital at 09:00 am. After punching i meet to my other colleague and classmates and introduce myself to others. One by one all trainers arrived in conference hall and taken our classes. They explained to us like we are in returned college. All tutor are good and our classmates gives them good responses.

After some times we are feeling tired and hungry so we've taken lunch break at 02:00 pm. I've ordered lunch and taken a seat with my colleague, during lunch we have taken precautions and followed social distancing. After lunch we were gone for class and taken a seat. Again our tutors arrived and taken a lecture. After our floor supervisors, hospital supervisors, incharges , head of departments and human resources staff arrived for meet us.

After 04:00 pm we were taken a 15 minutes break for Tea. After break we were again started class to infection control for hospital. During class and till the end of the day we were use alcohol based sanitizer for hand rub and taken social distancing and wered N95 mask. Till end of the day we learned lot of topics and taken fun. After I've punch out and return for home and take city bus.

Finally i reached at home at 06:00 pm. After reached at home first of all I've bath. After bath I've do exercise and spend 1 hours for reading of medical surgical nursing. Late evening i become hunger and goes to restaurant for dinner. After dinner i reviewed my topis of medical surgical nursing. Now i planning for sleeping.

It's my today's activity,
Thanks you.



All images clicked by @alfazmalek02

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