Wednesday Walk - GO DOWN TO CAVES!! πŸ§—πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


Every day is made to experience something new. That's why you have to give every day the opportunity to be the best day of your life. This wednesday was my third vacation day for my work, I decided to go climbing with my boyfriend. The best decision since it really was an experience.

Actually none of the caves have names where we went, they are not known by many people. Several stories told by the guides point out that in ancient times they were water wells which dried up and that is why they continue to form rocks with certain diverse shapes. Although they don't have names, this specific one is special, it has a heart shape, very special.

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Chiropterans and bats abound in these caves, so upon entering we had to maintain absolute silence. Therefore, the cave was additionally filled with white. This cave really looks like a chicken thigh, see?




This specific part, we ascended through a very narrow place, full of sharp rocks. However, there were rocks designed to climb, they looked like stairs that we could easily use. We also use the harness for safety. When climbing a certain distance I leaned on the trunk of the hoop, it was very useful.




Another very interesting thing that I noticed within this experience were the vines that were in the caves. Even though the caves are in an arid place, they look alive and give a very special touch to the home of the animals that are found here.




The depth level is approximately 3 meters. The caves have certain characteristics such as color, the shape of the stones, color and textures, in fact some look like edges of ice. There are several shades in terms of color, green, blue, brown and white that correspond to the needs of bats.




As I have told you, it is an arid area. Xerophytic plants are abundant in this locality. You can see this mountain melon growing inside the rock formations. A strange way to grow, however with it we should have some learning, may be...growing in the face of adversity.


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The entire group of hikers were excellent people, very attentive to each other, connecting properly with nature and people with whom you have never even been able to meet. Take care of strangers, since we were alerted by having thorns nearby or dangerous situations around us.




All this new and unforgettable experience is enriching, how can we ignore all this beauty that lies beneath us, there are so many things to see and know that we have right below us and we are not able to see for different reasons.




I hope you can take a little time to become aware of each place we go, there can be each experience in the least expected place.


Thank you for reading my blog, my publication and my notes, it is very important. I would be delighted to receive your appreciation.

