A Random Martial Thought.

A thought entered my mind as I watched this video to its ending. I had often lamented to my master in the last two years of practising traditional Japanese jujutsu.

I feel like I am cheating each time I am defending myself against all different kinds of attackers who walked into the dojo wanting to get that coveted black belt.

It felt hollow to me when I would find the gaps and the weaknesses in their attacks, easily destroying or disarming then in the process of defending myself against them.

The narrators last paragraph really hits home as I stared with empty eyes, even when my master awarded my my black belt. It really felt hollow and anticlimactic.

His reply when I told him of my feeling, "Clint, years of consistent training becomes mundane to us, even the extraordinary for beginners become mundane. It is what it is. Your body and mind are one. Your technique honed to recognize what is being thrown your way. Do not lose focus because you are just beginning your ascent towards a mountain peak you have spent a lifetime walking to its base."


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