Taking a Break from Information Overload / 久しぶりの情報ファスティング
Lately, I've started doing an "information fast" for the first time in a few months.
I used to feel that any time I wasn't learning was a kind of waste. So I got into the habit of listening to YouTube videos, podcasts, and audiobooks while doing housework and walking outside, or even having my iPhone read Kindle books aloud to me. Honestly, it was a bit too much.
I’ve thought about why I developed this habit. Looking back, it probably started when I wanted to appear smart during my student days. Then came the intense competition of working life in Tokyo, my curiosity-driven 20s and 30s, and the feeling during my daughter's early years that I felt I mst keep improving myself somehow. All of this built up over time until it felt like I had to keep consuming information constantly. When I was in the middle of it, I didn't really notice how strange it was.
Last year, a friend recommended a book called The Artist's Way. It's a self-help bestseller that has been popular for over 30 years. I followed the exercises in the book for about three months, and one that left a big impression on me was the "information fasting." The idea is to go for one week without reading books, watching TV or internet videos, or listening to the radio. In other words, you stop all input for a while. I wrote a post about this book for the @hivebookclub. Feel free to check it out if you're interested:
Three Months with "The Artist’s Way"
When I created space by reducing the amount of information I was consuming, I naturally started thinking more during those quiet moments. I noticed mental blocks I hadn’t seen before and began to understand their causes. My mind started to organize itself naturally without any effort. I also realized that reducing input improves the quality of my output. And above all, it just feels refreshing.
Recently, I’ve been feeling like I’m back to consuming too much information, so I decided to try another round of information fasting — but this time, a bit more loosely than before. I read books before I go to bed, sometimes listen to podcasts or videos but I’ve started listening to music instead of the news while doing housework, and on warm days, I go for walks without bringing headphones. I'm trying to create more "empty space" in my head.
While gathering information or learning something new for the future is important, the feeling of being present in the moment is also valuable. Cooking dinner while listening to music and sipping a glass of wine in the weekend makes the meal prep and meal itself feel more enjoyable. And walking in the sunshine, now that spring is coming, and feel its warmth is just so good.
I'm going to travel this weekend, and I plan to bring noise-canceling headphones to avoid the noise during the trip. But until then, I’ll continue my information fast, making space in my mind and enjoying the refreshing feeling that comes with it.
How do you manage the flow of information in your life?
どうしてこんな習慣が身についたのか、考えてみました。思い返せば、頭が良く見られたかった学生時代、競争が激しい東京の会社員時代、好奇心旺盛だった20代・30代、そして子育て中も「何とかして自分をアップデートし続けなきゃ」と焦っていた時期に積もり積もって、いつの間にか「常にインプットし続けなきゃ」という状態になってしまったのだと思います 😅 渦中にいる時は、自分でもそれが異常だとは気づきませんでした。
そんな中、昨年、友人に勧められて『Artist's Way』という本を読みました。この本は30年以上にわたって読み続けられている自己啓発のベストセラーです。本に書かれているエクササイズに3ヶ月ほど取り組んで、特に「情報ファスティング」というエクササイズが印象的でした。一週間、本を読んだり、テレビやインターネットの動画を見たり、ラジオを聞いたりしないで過ごします。インプットを止めるエクササイズです。この本については @hivebookclub に感想を投稿したので、よかったら。
Three Months with "The Artist’s Way" / 『ずっとやりたかったことを、やりなさい。』との3ヶ月
最近また情報を過剰に摂取していると感じていたので、『Artist's Way』を読んでいた時ほど厳密ではありませんが、ゆるく情報ファスティングをし始めました。例えば、家事をするときにニュースではなく音楽をかけたり、暖かい日はヘッドホンを持たずに散歩に出かけたり。そんなふうにして、頭の中に「余白」を作ることを心がけています。将来に向けた情報のインプットももちろん大切ですが、「今ここ」に集中する感覚もとてもよいものです。音楽をかけてワインを一杯ひっかけながら夕飯を作ると楽しいし何だかおいしいし、春が近い今の季節の太陽の光を感じながら歩くのは純粋に気持ちよいです。