Interaction Styles Can Differ Between Real Life and Online / 現実世界とオンラインでは交流スタイルは違っていい


During my trip to Portugal, I exchanged brief greetings and conversations with many people—Uber drivers, restaurant staff, hotel employees, and even fellow travelers in the hotel corridors and elevators. These interactions made me wonder why I sometimes feel uneasy about certain communication on Hive Blog. This post is an updated version of my thought I post one month ago.

A Little Rant from My Heart: What is Genuine Communication on Hive?

Perhaps the way I was taught to respond in real life still influences me in the online world.

In face-to-face interactions, we learn or at least I learn in Japan that ignoring a greeting can be considered rude and that we should always respond politely. And we shall greet others from our side too. I suspect that I carry this same expectation into the online realm, which is why I often feel compelled to reply—even when the comment is something like "Hi, it's great, friend!" However, trying to respond to every casual comment can be exhausting. While many of these comments are genuinely friendly, some seem more like an attempt to maintain a presence on Hive.

There is a clear difference between the real world and online spaces: online, we encounter a vastly larger and more diverse group of people. Expecting the same level of personal engagement as we do in our everyday lives can lead to unnecessary fatigue. I've come to realize that it's perfectly acceptable not to reply to every comment. It's not being rude or ignoring someone. When I truly want to engage, I'll naturally respond. After all, in many cases, also the others may not even be expecting a reply.

Reflecting on this has made my approach to online communication a bit more relaxed. How do you feel about your online interactions? I look forward to reading your thoughts as a comment ☺️

(The photo: Puppie @pupiko meets Avakai at my friends' place in Lisbon. It was a nice wooden dolls meetup.)


ポルトガル旅行中、Uberの運転手さん、レストランの店員さん、ホテルのスタッフ、ホテルですれ違う人たちなど、さまざまな人たちとちょっとした挨拶や会話を交わしました。そんな中で、なぜ私が一部のHive Blogのやりとりに心地悪さを感じるのか、ちょっとわかったような気がしました。


A Little Rant from My Heart: What is Genuine Communication on Hive? / 自由で楽しいHiveでのコミュニケーションとは?

私は「挨拶をされて無視するのは失礼」「きちんと挨拶をしなさい」と教わって、実際そう感じながら生きてきました。多分この感覚を私はHive Blogのようなオンラインの世界でも持っているのだと思います。なので、何かしら返信したくなります。でも「Hi, it's great, friend!」のようなコメントに全て返そうとすると疲れてしまいます。カジュアルさに文化的な違いがあることはあるものの、多くはフレンドリーなコメントで、でも、中にはコミュニケーションを装っている風のものもあります。




(写真: 研究者時代の友人が開発に関わった Avakai という木製のスマートドール?にPuppieこと @pupiko さんを会わせてきました。いいお友達になれたかな?)
